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Updated by marcus-cummins on Oct 10, 2020
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Technology around the world

What to Expect From Apple in 2019: New iPhones, Modular Mac Pro, iPad mini 5, Updated AirPods and More - MacRumors

2019 promises to be a major year for Apple, with a number of exciting products on the horizon. Apple's promised modular Mac Pro for its...

Quick Tips For New iOS 12.1 Version Release

Apple has always been in demand for its high tech devices across the globe. Recently, the company has launched the latest version of iOS - 12.1 with a

What is 5G? Everything you need to know about the technology | Watch News Videos Online

Watch What is 5G? Everything you need to know about the technology Video Online, on

Too few cybersecurity professionals is a gigantic problem for 2019 – TechCrunch

As the new year begins gaining steam, there is ostensibly a piece of good news on the cyber front. Major cyber attacks have been in a lull in recent months and still are.

53 business ideas to start at university - Save the Student

The best profitable startup ideas for businesses you can run from your room with little money or investment! Start your new business venture today.

Business competitions and awards in the UK - Entrepreneur Handbook

A complete list of business competitions and awards for UK startups and small businesses, with details on funding, deadlines and criteria for each award.

How to Reduce Cost of Your Startup 2019? – by Jacob Johnson

Running a startup or small business is not a piece of cake. It requires a great effort along with the proper management to make things work better. At the early stage of a business, reducing the costs catches the eye as it is not optional but matters a lot for startups. As smart planning goes a long way, you simply cannot afford to drift around aimlessly. This helps to give you a sense of direction and structures your efforts. Therefore, in the long run, it feeds your business with more profit and so it is correct time to try your hands on few hacks without compromising on product quality, customer service or operational efficiency. Here are a few actionable tips to make it happen...

Business Startup Costs: How Much Will I Need? - SmBizDaily

Your business type will determine what your startup costs are. Broadly, your enterprise will fall into one of three categories:

2019's Best Selling WordPress Themes - updated weekly.

Browse 2019's Best Selling WordPress Themes from ThemeForest's Global Community of Web Designers. Our Best WordPress Themes list is updated weekly.

How To Fix '503 Service Unavailable' WordPress Error - WPKube

One of the few very frustrating errors you’ll
ever encounter when using WordPress is the ‘503 Service Unavailable’ error.

Popular WordPres Themes for WordPress 5.0 in 2019

Guest contributor Herman Morgan compiles a list of WordPress themes expected to be popular and compatible with the Gutenberg experience in 2019.

16+ Best WordPress Themes for Writers and Authors (2019)

There is no shortage of professional WordPress themes for making a website in 2019, for every niche imaginable. Whilst you can use almost any theme for your writer’s website, there are some...

5 Essential Tools of Motion Graphics for the Beginners | Creative Gaga

The more you explore the more you feel that it may take a lifetime to experiment and learn. So we, listed out some the essential tools of Motion Graphics.

The Best Animation and Motion Graphics Software to Learn

Looking to get into the Motion Design industry? Here's a few of the best applications to learn.

Future Will Be in Motion Design – by Jacob Johnson

We’re enormous fans of motion designs. It’s not on the grounds that they’re pretty or include cool activities. This is on the grounds that they’re an exceptional method to impart. They mix the best of visual correspondence with motion narrating and sound to make a drawing in a bit of substance that enables brands to share their story, contact individuals in various ways, and present their message in a convincing bundle.

Learn Popular Adobe Apps Like Photoshop and Premiere Pro Online

On sale for a limited time, this expert-taught bundle includes dozens of hours of learning.

Ash Creek Enterprises seeks to smoke out cybersecurity threats

Stratford-based IT consulting firm Ash Creek Enterprises is celebrating its 20th anniversary in business.

7 Ways to Protect Yourself from Cyber Security Threats | FinSMEs

A KPMG survey on 1000 small and medium-sized businesses in the UK revealed that 51% don’t believe they are vulnerable to cyber breaches

Facts about Cyber Security threats that can affect the local business - CloudCow

Being a small
business, you are most likely concerned about the drawing traffic and website
visitors, but that might seem you may be attracting the wrong kind of
attention. It does not require to be a massive company for becoming a target of
cybercrime. As cyber crimes are mostly happening by targeting websites; how can
we expect ourselves to stay updated with all the potential cybersecurity
threats that are emerging?

An Inside Look at New York State Government Cybersecurity

As part of its enterprise IT transformation, New York state radically transformed its cybersecurity efforts. In this exclusive interview with CISO Deborah Snyder, we see how her team implemented their impressive program.

Most Secure Smartphone: Apple or Android? - Area19Delegate

The Android vs iOS war still continues to break the internet by dealing with the ultimate breaking element for both the application users which boils down to mobile app security. Today, the cybercriminals are attacking smartphones and tablets often that arouses a feeling of worry to keep their devices safe from different threats.

Mobile companies blame GSMA for allowing favourable TAC tariff to China over Indian market - The Economic Times

The London-based body said it is working with the players and the Indian government to resolve the issue.

Gen Z is a mobile-first generation | Grocery Dive

Generation Z could have an estimated $143 billion in spending power, and their spending habits, which are driven by mobile and experiential shopping, have major implications for retailers, according to research from market intelligence firm Numerator.

Designing for community-driven projects – UX Collective

In the past, whenever I talk to people who are curious about Viki or Soompi, I will always bring up the fundamental story behind these two services — the community. One of the biggest misconceptions…