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Updated by overseepos-in on Apr 22, 2019
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Billing Software in Chennai

Have an Happy customer with Easy Billing Software for kinds of retail shops

Restaurant POS Software Chennai, Restaurant Billing software, Takeaway POS System - OverseePOS

Trustworthy Restaurant POS Software and Management System for multiple stores in Chennai. Providing top-notch solutions for billing, inventory, stock management, KOT, multiple store management, invoice and many more at low cost restaurant Software available with us to meet Our customer requirement.


pos billing software

pos billing software

Make your customers Happy with best service. We help you with your issues related to billing. Inventory management, Stock report, Sales Report, Customer feedbacks or employees database maintenance. whatever it is our *POS Software *will lead you a smooth business process.

Welcome To Your Stunning, Newly Flourished, Custom Design Grocery & Supermarket POS System.

Supermarket POS System Software enabling your to run your grocery store effectively, whether it stock management, inventory management, speed up billing, custom reports, sales reports all done by world class POS System Software ready to customize according to your business needs

Welcome To Your Stunning, Newly Flourished, Custom Design Trading POS System.

Trading Billing Software Overseepos a specially designed POS software with top notch features to enhance laundry management process more efficiently and at affordable cost. Easy and convenient method of Sales report , Delivery management, customer details, employee details and availability, sms and mail alerts on delivery etc.

Overseepos helps you grow business opportunity meet the future demands in all the business process like updating customer database , if any delays in delivery, maintain supplier details.

Welcome To Your Stunning, Newly Flourished, Custom Design Hardware POS System.

Hardware Shop Billing Software, Hardware Shop POS Software. Hardware shop definition: a shop that sells metal tools and implements and mechanical equipment and components, etc

Welcome To Your Stunning, Newly Flourished, Custom Design Coffee Shop & Cafeteria Zone POS System.

Cafeteria POS Software is now ready to use and easy management of stocks, track orders,inventory, sale report, wastage management and many more you can do with much low cost POS software

Welcome To Your Stunning, Newly Flourished, Custom Design Boutique Shop POS System.

Complete Boutique POS Solution for your fashion world. Exclusively designed for apparel store management with featuring quick access, search items by size, colour, materials. Increase your sale, generate revenue for successful business operations

Some important key features to consider before buying Retail POS software

Point of sale software is being used by millions of retail owners to streamline their business and to boost profit and. POS software with the right features can make wonders, it gives a new level of control

over the operation, eliminates manual work drastically, and increases efficiency. However, POS which is not designed to fit your business model is a source of frustration and useless. A wide range of features available in thousands of software might confuse you while choosing a POS for any retail store.

Here are a few explicit features to consider before buying POS Software for your retail store. Inventory management

Best retail POS inventory management software must make inventory management effortless. Retailer or managing personnel must be able to track crucial information about the store from individual transaction to purchases.

Automated purchase

Inventories must be stocked up with necessary goods in a timely manner to avoid running low of the most demanding product. Automated purchasing program lets you set a limit for every item in the inventories. When the product’s limit is reached, it automatically purchases the required amount of product with a supplier which ensures the continuous flow of the business.


The retailer must be able to access the software online to remotely connect with their business. Cloud storage feature is must for owners with more than one outlet; as it centralizes the data in a single server, data can be backed up securely and can be retrieved later if at all there is any mishap in your local device.

Payment card industry (PCI) agreement

Retail owners ought to have this feature to avoid legal issues; moreover, it is easier to gain trust when customers feel their card details are secure while performing any transaction process. Obviously, it is a must-have feature in your POS software.

Automated billing process

POS software is traditionally designed to make check out process easier, if your POS software is not capable to eliminate the manual process of billing process then it is not even a point of sale Software. Make sure that soon-to-be your POS software is capable to do faster billing process. To request a free demo of our Oversee product and to deploy POS software in your store reach us out via Whatsapp or email.

How Retail Inventory Management Software helps in betterment of business

Tailoring inventory management through powerful inventory control system is a quick and practical way. Small business can gain great control over its business by eliminating the guesswork with the help of retail inventory management software. What inventory management software would do for the betterment of business is briefly discussed in this article.

For furthermore clarification and to request a demo of Oversee retail point of sale software in Chennai, reach us out via email or Whatsapp.

Retail Inventory Management POS Software

Stock management is not just about tracking of products and orders, it goes much further than that like multi-channel selling, reduction of paper flow, operation consolidation, scheduling and much more.

It is impossible for a small business to shine well without choosing the right automation device with the required functionalities. To ease out the pain of stock control, one must use cutting edge key features of inventory management software.

How It helps in the betterment of business

Best point of sale stock control software offers outstanding features like real-time tracking, detailed daily, weekly, monthly and yearly report and analytics, quick order processing, prioritizing products and accurate calculation and tracking.

There are several types of inventory management systems in the market, but only a perfect and simple inventory software can be the right fit for your small business.

Retail POS software solution helps to

Take the right decision at the right time by providing accurate and real-time data of stocks in a warehouse.
Track the order transported within different warehouses.
Auto-order stock directly from the vendor when the assigned limit is reached to avoid the out-of-stock situation.
Prioritize the product based on its moving status to avoid storing of least selling product in the warehouse.
Change prices within the platform to update across all the system.
Add or remove a product or modify product details and descriptions.

To sum it all up, good software solution can help you to reach heights in business without spending much, so deploy a POS software designed to manage your overall stock control needs and requirements.

How to Make Retail Business more Profitable with Cloud based POS Software

POS software is an essential tool for business to run profitably this is the fact everyone who deployed retail POS software solution in their store is aware of, yet they clearly don't know how to get the most out of it.

So we are here to throw light on two important basic features that will profit your company in the long run.


What makes a POS software best is its features. Ironically features can also sometime downgrade the function of any retail POS software solution. Remember, many is not always good. Thence it is advisable to customize your POS software to perfectly fit your business modules.

Anyway, in this article we will be seeing some basic features which is must for any business regardless of its size and industry.

Cloud storage

Have you ever mistakenly deleted/formatted the important files such as customer database or accounting data? Have you ever encountered a data theft which caused you major loss in business? Have you ever wondered if only you had a second secure backup file, it would be great to mitigate the risk of cyber crime and accidental data loss.

Well cloud storage can help you with afore mentioned problems. Cloud storage feature allows you to securely store every data in a remote server. As data are secured in a remote server instead of local computer or device, the risk of data loss is eliminated completely. Moreover, the transactions processed offline are automatically synced directly into the server once the internet connection is detected.

Customer relationship management

Businessman knows how to sell and good businessman knows how to sell what customers want.

In spite of many retailers focusing on CRM, they still fail to fulfil the needs of customers. It is because, they know what to do, but not how to do it. Moreover ,they lack information and data which help them to achieve better and successful customer relationship management.

CRM feature in cloud based POS software helps you to conduct loyalty program specified for a certain group or an individual to make them engage in your business. Customer details stored in database gives you enough information to conduct personalized loyalty program and even to offer special discount to regular clients and customers.

How to save hours of time with Oversee POS software

Operating business is time consuming. Especially if you are single owner, it is not only time consuming but also complex to maintain. To ease out the pain, you could invest in POS software to improve productivity with good return.
Let’s take a look at how Oversee POS is time saving
Oversee POS is designed to cater to the multitasking needs of any business and in any industry. No matter what the size of business is, Oversee POS software can fully function and ensures efficient business operation. As an added benefit, our customization software lets you to organise the dashboard yourselves for better performance and user friendly interface.

Inventory management

Whatever the business may be, whether it’s a retail store management or restaurant , inventory tracking is agony for both employer and employees. Inventory management can be done easily only by POS software. It helps to track stock, wastage and reminds purchase stock on timely basis.

Accounts management

Employing book keeper or accountant for maintaining accounts of single outlet is expensive. Moreover why would you want to spend so much on managing accounts when you can do it for considerably less amount? Oversee POS software can you to review end of the day reports, settle sale, product and sale report, annual report, profit and loss report and so on with a click of button.

Centralized data

With Oversee POS cloud storage feature, now you can centralise all of your data from different outlet in a single host server and can asses them on any device with active internet. That means now you can handle everything conveniently from single location.

Table reservation and kitchen display system

For restaurant, taking orders and table turnover is the vital phase of high profitability. If you finish taking orders fast, higher the rate of table turnover and increased profit. Smart solution to take orders is what Oversee POS offers to our client. Orders taken are displayed instantly in the kitchen in order to help employees to prioritize serving dishes quicker.

We hope this article would help you to take right decision of digitizing your business with POS software. For more queries and doubts, Reach out via email or ping us on Whatsapp.

Why is the Point of Sale (POS) System Important?

Why is the inventory shrinking suddenly? What is the fastest-moving product? When to reorder stock? You will get the answers to all these questions when you implement the Point of Sale (POS) System in your retail outlet. In the following Buzzle article, find out more about the importance of having a Point of Sale System in your shop.

Cloud-based POS Systems!

Cloud-based POS Systems are the latest systems that can run on an iPad, a tablet, or any other mobile device. It can help you keep a track of the cash flow in your business, and is cheaper as compared to a traditional POS system.

These days, Point of Sale (POS) Systems come with a hoard of added bells and whistles and are clearly more efficient than cash registers. Barcode scanning and the display pole makes transaction-recording much easier. These systems not only give an accurate and more detailed report of daily transactions but also track inventory in a better way. They show the trend of sales, based on which the business needs could be forecast.

If you are still not sure about installing a POS system, read the following points that elaborate on how the system will efficiently handle all the snafus from day one of your business.

The POS system ...

Tracks Each and Every Transaction

Not sure why the inventory is shrinking suddenly? Well ... there can be various reasons. Theft, unrecorded sales, and under or overpricing are the primary reasons for a sudden decrease in inventory. The POS system has a barcode scanner, that means each and every transaction is captured immediately, and every item is sold at the correct price. Nothing goes undetected. The sum total of the bill is also calculated correctly to the last penny.

As soon as the sale is done, that item gets marked out of the inventory. As a result, not only is the sales tracking done accurately but also precise inventory control is carried out simultaneously. This solves the ever-existing problem of inventory not matching with the tallies. Veteran retailers often experience frustration when the books never seem to match with the actual stock. A POS system can track all the loopholes, and pinpoint the cause behind the numbers not matching.

Tracks the Mark-downs Correctly

Mark-downs are usually done when the business wants to attract and retain customers. Any change in pricing through discounts, special offers, promotions, coupons, or any other means would require a POS system to track them down. These markdowns are also done when businesses want to clear out stock before it becomes obsolete or to replace it with new stock.

Markdown management requires proper information of all the base elements such as inventory level, average sales volume, price elasticity, salvage value, and the time frame by which the products needs to be sold. All these figures are sought by the POS system, and the exact markdown price for each product that needs to be moved out of the inventory quickly is calculated. If not for the POS system, businesses would have to struggle with cash-registers to get the numbers in place.

Automates All Functions

All functions that are required to be carried out daily by the POS system will be carried out automatically. The absence of an employee will not reduce its efficiency. Therefore, it doesn't matter where the boss is, or if the POS system operator is down with flu. As long as the replacing operator knows how to use the system, things will run smoothly. Let's assume the same scenario without a POS system. If the bookkeeping executive is on leave, and there is no-one to replace him, things would be difficult for any person who doesn't have enough knowledge in that field. He/she may goof up with the numbers and complicate the inventory control. In simple terms, this system overcomes the factor of human error.

Keeps the Prices Consistent

In a multi-product store that has many employees, it is quite possible that without a proper tracking system in place, the product could be sold at a price higher or lower than the maximum retail price. There is usually nobody to track what other employees are doing. This can be quite discouraging from the customer's point of view, as he/she might wonder why the specific product has different prices every time, and would eventually stop buying from that store.

The same is the case with stores that are operating as a chain at more than one location. If the prices vary according to the location of the stores, it may result in customer dissatisfaction. The answer to both the above mishaps is installing a proper POS system. It will allow the products only to be sold at the maximum retail price and not more or less, no matter who the operator is or what the location is.

Improves Customer Satisfaction

First of all, a POS system ensures faster checkout. Since the barcode scanner reads the barcode to make an entry of a product into the system, it takes very little time to complete the purchase and move out. Second, correct pricing, accurate sum total, the correct amount of money returned, and the rewards for their patronage, encourage the customers to revisit. Third, since the employees are not kept busy with inventory control or bookkeeping, they have time on their hands to cater to the most useful resource of the business: it's customers.

A few other benefits of switching over to a POS system are:

» It can record information like birthdays, anniversaries or any other significant milestones so that timely emails can be sent to congratulate or wish customers. This step improves the relationship with customers.

» If there is any discrepancy in the bill or the products sold, the customer can visit the store without the paperwork. The system can easily pull up any information since all the information is saved.

» Attached magnetic scanners make the 'payment by card' process easier.

» Logo of the businesses can be printed on the bill, which helps in improving the image of the business.

» 'Low stock' reports and 'purchase orders' are generated automatically with enough lead time to receive the orders in time.

» If a business has a Point of Sale as well as order processing (snail-mail order or wholesale order) methods, both can be integrated with one POS system in place.

» Greater control on integrity can be practised because every employee can only have access his/her password-protected account. Also, employees do not have access to the server, which implies that they can only enter data, but cannot edit.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the POS system gives the owner as well as the employees much-deserved peace of mind, by saving them time and unnecessary labour. In turn, what the owner gets is an error-free record of all of his/her money. After all, this is what every businessman/woman wants... right?

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How ePOS is different from Traditional POS System

Retail business industry started to use POS software almost everywhere, but still people lack knowledge about the difference between pos and epos. Before choosing traditional POS software one must know the features they might miss which are provided by modern epos software. If you are not sure about which pos software to choose then this post is for you.

To explain it in simple words, traditional pos software is a mere register which used to maintain sales record of a shop. Whereas cloud based epos software serves more than just billing process. One can choose traditional pos software if they wish to carry on just the billing process, but those who need pos to do more than just the billing process like managing inventories, stock control, accounts management, feedback management; they must consider cloud based pos software and POS Machines before choosing traditional pos software.

What is cloud storage?

Cloud storage is a feature which allows you to access your data anywhere from your highly secured account using internet, as the information and data are securely stored in a server which is hosted by cloud storage service provider, clients need not worry about losing their data by mistake. Clients can make changes online, give remote accessibility without even being there in person. Unfortunately retailers using traditional pos software won’t be able to enjoy this feature but they can upgrade/change their existing pos to oversee to get benefits of cloud pos software and much more features to increase sales.

Service and expense:

Cloud based epos software need less technical support as everything monitored remotely by hosting company and client themselves can customize their dashboard and solve minor issues. But it is not same in traditional pos software because any change in traditional pos system has to be changed manually by the technical team only so client should seek help from service provider often which is again tedious, time-consuming and expensive.
Inventory and stock management.

Traditional software acts as a cash register to perform billing process, printing receipts and invoice, but it can’t help retailers to manage their different outlets and in managing stock control. You need epos software to help you in managing stocks as it stores data of all your outlets in a single location, it provides a clear idea of how a particular product is moving in your store. With these details you can order items accordingly to eliminate overstocking of less-profitable product.
Overall, if you want best tool to cover all your business need, it is advisable to deploy cloud based pos software such as oversee pos software. If you need pos software just for billing process then go for traditional pos software.

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POS Software in Chennai - Oversee POS

Oversee POS is a simple and effective billing software for all kind of small and large size business organization. It's is best for Coffee shop Billing, Rest...

Easy to Use Restaurant Billing Software in Chennai

Supervise your restaurants of all branches in city with OverseePOS – the perfect billing software for Restaurant and bar in Chennai. Get quoted for less price of Restaurant Management System with Quick Installation and zero efforts. Advanced features in KOT, Take away, inventory, Multiple Kitchen Management and even more at affordable price in Chennai.