Listly by Arjun Rai is an upcoming marketplace of various classroom and distance (online) courses and training programs in curricular and extra-curricular activities. It provides course information and ratings and reviews from peers and students which makes course/training selection easier.
This community based approach also leads to better quality of service and better complaint redressal and community help.
Find the right course in your selected area with fees details, student reviews, support from faculty and management. Compare course details and choose your course.
Find the most popular and trusted languages Courses in Delhi. Filter by fees, reviews & ratings, Timing. COURS-E compares different languages training institutes and course and gives you the power to choose the best.
Find the most popular and trusted English Courses in Delhi. Filter by fees, reviews & ratings, Timing. COURS-E compares different English training institutes and course and gives you the power to choose the best.
Find the most popular and trusted Japanese Courses in Delhi. Filter by fees, reviews & ratings, Timing. COURS-E compares different Japanese taining institutes and course and gives you the power to choose the best.
Find the most popular and trusted German Courses in Delhi. Filter by fees, reviews & ratings, Timing. COURS-E compares different German taining institutes and course and gives you the power to choose the best.
Find the most popular and trusted Russian Courses in Delhi. Filter by fees, reviews & ratings, Timing. COURS-E compares different Russian taining institutes and course and gives you the power to choose the best.
Find the most popular and trusted Arabic Courses in Delhi. Filter by fees, reviews & ratings, Timing. COURS-E compares different Arabic taining institutes and course and gives you the power to choose the best.
Find the most popular and trusted Mobile & Laptop repair Courses in Delhi. Filter by fees, reviews & ratings, Timing. COURS-E compares different Mobile & Laptop repair training institutes and course and gives you the power to choose the best.
Find the most popular and trusted Hardware Support Courses in Delhi. Filter by fees, reviews & ratings, Timing. COURS-E compares different Hardware Support training institutes and course and gives you the power to choose the best.
Find the most popular and trusted Cloud Computing Courses in Delhi. Filter by fees, reviews & ratings, Timing. COURS-E compares different Cloud Computing training institutes and course and gives you the power to choose the best.
Find the most popular and trusted Security & Hacking Courses in Delhi. Filter by fees, reviews & ratings, Timing. COURS-E compares different Security & Hacking taining institutes and course and gives you the power to choose the best.