Listly by stevenwalkers
Effective writers develop the best writing habits and avoid any bad habits that would reduce the effectively of their writing.
The principal requirement for any writer is to get into the habit of professional paper writing regularly, every day if possible. Effective writers have usually employed this habit from an early age, or from the day they decided to be a writer. Effective writers develop the best writing habits and avoid any bad habits that would reduce the effectively of their writing.
Reading what other people write is an essential habit for any writer. Regular reading is really valuable for increasing vocabulary and for becoming better informed.
Reading something of quality helps writers to improve their own work. When they read anything of a poor standard, writers should learn how to avoid making similar errors.
Writers are often inspired to write by something they have read.
Listening to conversation can be a great source of inspiration, and it will help any fiction writer to compose effective dialogue. By hearing how people communicate verbally, attentive writers can be more effective when reproducing in writing the way people speak.
Listening to what people are talking about is valuable to writers of non-fiction. They can identify popular topics and attitudes. This allows them to write articles with popular appeal, or to gain attention by being deliberately controversial.
Social observation helps writers to notice mannerisms and see how people behave. Effective fiction relies on the ability to create believable characters who react and interact in a realistic way.
Observing other people is a rewarding habit for non-fiction writers who write effectively about human psychology, or who offer practical advice in their articles.
Detailed observation is valuable to any writer. Fiction involves narrative description of people and places, real or imaginary. Non-fiction writing often requires real life examples to illustrate points.
Some people always dream of being a writer. Effective writers are busy writing; the habit of dreaming is not for them.
Effective writers can accept constructive criticism and are not offended by rejection. They avoid the habit of thinking everything they write is perfect. Revising and reworking allows them to improve their writing, and makes it more acceptable to publishers.
Taking a positive approach to writing is the basis of developing good habits. Writing daily, or writing at every opportunity, is the best habit. Reading, listening, observing, being a busy writer and striving for improvement, these are all good habits employed by effective writers.