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Updated by Reptile World Facts on Dec 22, 2018
Headline for The Coolest and Most Unque Lizards That You NEED to Learn About!
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The Coolest and Most Unque Lizards That You NEED to Learn About!

Here is a list of articles with super cool lizards that we think you should read about! From lizards that can walk on water, to a lizard called the Thorny Devil, there's a lot of cool lizards out there!

Halloween Week - Top 10 Bloodsucker Lizard (Calotes Versicolor) Facts -

Top 10 Bloodsucker Lizard Facts

While these lizards have many common names, Bloodsucker lizard (Calotes versicolor) is definitely one of the more unique ones. Hint - they won't actually suck your blood though!

Top 11 Common Collared Lizard Facts - The Lizard That Can Stand On Its Hind Legs? - Reptile World Facts

Top 10 Common Collared Lizard Facts

Photos, quick facts, and info about the common collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris), including how it can stand on its back two legs and run!

Top 10 Frilled Lizard Facts - A Lizard With A Giant Frill

Top 10 Frilled Lizard Facts

Frilled Lizards (Chlamydosaurus kingii) are a unique lizard from Australia and New Guinea that have a large, iconic frill around their neck.

Halloween Week - Top 10 Gila Monster Facts - Reptile World Facts

Top 10 Gila Monster Facts

Gila Monsters (Heloderma suspectum) are one of the few lizards that are actually venomous! And to top it off they have a beautiful colour pattern as well.

Top 10 Mexican Alligator Lizard Facts - A Very Beautifully Green Lizard

Top 10 Mexican Alligator Lizard Facts

Mexican Alligator lizards (Abronia graminea) are a beautiful bright green lizard, with many cool habits. They also resemble tiny little alligators, but are a lot less dangerous!

Top 10 Northern Caiman Lizard Facts - A Water Loving Lizard

Top 10 Northern Caiman Lizard Facts

The Northern Caiman Lizard (Dracaena guianensis) is a lizard that spends the majority of its time in or around the water, and are often referred to as water tegus!

Top 10 Plumed Basilisk Facts - The lizard that can walk on water?

Top 10 Plumed Basilisk Facts!

The Plumed Basilisk (Basiliscus plumifrons) has a very unique trait - they can walk on water by running upright on their back legs! Which has also contributes to their nickname of the 'Jesus Lizard'.

Top 10 Slender Glass Lizard Facts - The Lizard With No Legs?

Top 10 Slender Glass Lizard Facts

The slender glass lizard (Ophisaurus attenuatus) is a lizard that has no legs, and no, it really isn't a snake, we promise!

Top 10 Thorny Devil Facts - A Very Spiky Lizard From Australia

Top 10 Thorny Devil Facts

The Thorny Devil (Moloch horridus) is a lizard from Australia that is covered in sharp, hard spikes. And of course, with a tough look like that it has earned the name the Thorny Devil!

Top 10 Galapagos Land Iguana Facts - A Bright Yellow Iguana

Top 10 Galapagos Land Iguana Facts

The Galapagos Land Iguana (Conolophus subcristatus) is a bright yellow iguana from the Galapagos Islands, with a friendly derpy face!

Top 10 Jackson's Chameleon Facts - A Chameleon With Three Horns

Top 10 Jackson's Chameleon Facts

Jackson's chameleons are chameleons that have three horns on their head, just like the triceratops did! These three horns even influenced their scientific name - Trioceros jacksonii.

Top 10 Komodo Dragon Facts - The Largest Lizard In The World

Top 10 Komodo Dragon Facts

The Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis) is the largest living lizard in the world, and with a size like that no wonder they're a favourite among many people!