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Updated by seema tripathi on Dec 19, 2018
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Top 10 Skills of a Successful Event Manager

For a successful event planner should have soft skills like interpersonal/people skills, planning, organization, flexibility, passionate, creative and innovative, leadership, financial management, professionalism, multitasking etc.


Interpersonal/ people skills

An event planner should have great Interpersonal/people skills. For a successful event planner should have the best communication skill and manners. An event planner should have the ability to understand the client’s demand and listen to their thoughts about their event planning. That means an event planner should have the ability to tell and listen to clients’ needs and fulfill those needs up with event different options.

To develop interpersonal skills is most important. Some people are born with these skills, and those people can become a successful event planner. For a successful event planner should have good communication skill to manage their team and clients.



Planning is the first step of all event planner that should be proper. If the first step is correct, then there is no need to fear. If your planning is proper, then the whole event will be good.



Organization for any event is essential after planning of an event. Organizing an event is not a simple task for any event planner. Whole organization should be proper as per the client’s wish. An event planner can handle the whole organization with their team.



Nothing is fixed when an event planner is organizing events. Everything is in a state of flexible and things can change anytime. An event planner needs to be always ready to face any problem and changes. If you have ever been flexible where work is concerned, you are carved to become an event planner.



This is an inherent quality and people are often born with this quality. An event manager should be passionate about their work or events. As a successful event manager, you have to have passion and this is what allows you to be productive and overcome obstacles that you face while organizing events.


Creative and Innovative

An event manager should have the ability to do creative and innovative. For a successful event manager, most need to do things differently, and this requires innovation and creativity. If any person who thinks out-of-the-box, something new and creative, that person destined to be a successful event manager. Today’s generation wants everything new, creative and innovative. If an event manager can do this, then no problems and challenges for the event planner. That event planner will fulfill clients wish.



Leadership is born quality no one can make this. That is an old saying, but it’s right for event manager as well. An event planner should have leadership skill to manage the whole event with teamwork. Teamwork is a key to success, and only a good leader can do good work with an entire team. Your excellent leadership skills help to guide your team towards the end goal, and that is why your events are a great success.


Financial Management

An event planner should have proper financial management skill. It’s easier to save money than make one. Meeting and event budgets include indirect, fixed and variable costs that need to be carefully monitored throughout the planning process. Meetings and events also generate revenue, so event planners must identify opportunities for income which has been made by meetings and events and create plans to manage and maximize them.


Time Management

Time never comes back for any person in the world, so time management should be required. Clients required their work within a specific limit of time. You can prioritize things at work, and this allows you to be more productive and achieve more success within a limited period.



An event planner should have the ability to do many works at a time. Simply put, to be a successful event planner you need to be able to juggle a lot at once. An event planner’s responsibility to make sure nothing falls through the cracks.


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