Listly by pee jay
Know more about Yoga and it's healthy benefits.
Is Power Yoga for beginners a good idea? Beginners can certainly try power yoga, but it is not going to be for everyone. Many beginners...
The regular practice of sitting Yoga asanas can help trauma survivors to relax and release deeply held muscular and emotional tension...
Unhealthy ego types are given labels and terms with the goal being to bring these unhealthy expressions of personality into a more healthy mental alignment.
Here are some of the mistakes, and how to correct or avoid them in our yoga classes. If yoga students seem to be dropping away, perhaps...
The art of combining Yoga and walking while integrating mindfulness techniques into your awareness will help you to integrate and resolve...
In the practice of Yoga nidra the body is progressively relaxed, which in turn releases the accumulated muscular tensions. Yoga nidra is...
Meditation doesn't have to take hours on a daily basis; a few minutes every day is enough. Parents often deal with having very little time...
Practicing Yoga over any length of time will gradually enhance intuition. Yoga is a philosophy that seeks to answer the eternal questions...
Yoga props can be as simple as blankets, mats, blocks, straps, and pillows or as sophisticated as finely crafted wooden benches and...
There are Yoga asanas and pranayama exercises that are particularly beneficial for enhancing the functioning of the immune system. Yoga...
Combining the practice of Yoga postures with walking will provide you with a very balanced and "do-able" exercise regime. Ayurveda is the...
Pranayama helps us to moderate this energy. Everyone hopes to enjoy a long, active and healthy life, free from disease. Therefore it is...
Yoga is helpful for menopause. Unlike so many other forms of exercise, Yoga is not demanding or competitive and can be practiced at one’s convenience. In...
By pairing meditation with goals, individuals stop wishing things could be different and start reaching their potential on a daily basis...
The romance between yoga and your hinge joints is bittersweet. In addition to being conscious of your knees, it is imperative to be mindful of your elbows.
Can Yoga relieve postpartum depression? Entering motherhood can be an exciting time: buying baby clothes, either turning a spare bedroom or making...
Spinal-related issues, including back and low-back pain, have been a cause of many peoples’ worry. While spinal injuries can be serious in nature, they...
Have you noticed students making comparisons to instructors in yoga practice - in less obvious signs (such as glances and facial expressions) or more...
The goal of yoga is to give you a sense of ever-present calm and presence. This peacefulness naturally arises from the study, practice, philosophy, and...
As anyone with experience practicing yoga can attest, the discipline does a lot to calm stress and anxiety, boost mood levels, reduce the symptoms of...
“Prana” means fundamental life source and “Yama” means control. The union of these two is a necessary component of Pranayama in Yoga practice.
The benefits of practicing Downward Facing Dog include stretching out the entire back of the legs, including the Achilles tendons and the hamstrings. This...
Summer is often the time of year when many of us pursue a variety of outdoor athletic activities. The balmy weather entices many Yogis and Yoginis to...
Plantar fasciitis is one of those painful conditions that may at first glance make us believe a yoga practice is out of the question. The plantar fascia...
When the level of stress reaches the highest degree of tolerance, it pushes us into a state we call: “panic attacks.” These attacks are distinguished by...