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Updated by fieldking on Oct 08, 2020
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Agriculture Machine | Farm Equipment Manufacturers and Suppliers Fieldking

Fieldking Agriculture Machine Equipment Manufacturers in India offers Wide range of farm equipments. Know about the Global Farm Equipment Manufacturers and Suppliers Fieldking in details. this list is ALL about Agriculture Machine. Have a Look



Mould Board Plough: Mb Plough Features & Advantages

Mould Board Plough: Mb Plough Features & Advantages

Mould board plough or Mb plough is a specially designed plough used in canal irrigated areas or heavy rain areas where too many weeds grow.
It completely turns and crushes the soil up-root all weeds, trash, and crop residues and bury them under the soil.

It is one of the popular tractor-mounted tillage implement it consist of a share point, mouldboard, landside, and frog, shank, frame, and hitch system. The share point of bar type and is made from high carbon steel or low alloy steel.

Agriculture Machine, Farm Implements Machinery Manufacturers USA

Need To Know Farm Mechaniza Solution for the American farmer
Fieldkingusa offers a broad range of Farm Mechanization solutions to maximize the yield and work smarter. FIELDKING has been a brand of choice for farmers for over 40 years and is well known globally for its durability, superior performance, and quality. Whether farming is your hobby or your job, our offerings meet the expectations of all American farmers.

Fiedlking Established in 1978, the FIELDKING family today is spread across 3 manufacturing facilities, 100 countries and 1.4 million farmers around the world.

New agriculture machine | Modern Farm machinery that making farming More Productive | Gangaorgagro

In the Era of mechanization latest farming technology is used to improve a wide range of farming production practices employed by our farmers.

Now farming is no longer a small scale production, but rather than it is one of the major contributions of the economy of any country, this become possible by the use of high-quality seeds, proper use of irrigation use of pesticides and also the use of new agriculture machine in farming use.

As we are aware the most common types of equipment and machinery used on farms include tractors, rotavators, combines, plows.

Now here I am sharing some new New agriculture machine that making farming more productive

Agriculture machinery name, images and uses | List of Agriculture Machinery and Uses | Gangaorgagro

Farm Equipment is a type of machinery used to help on the farm to perform farming activities. As we know there are various types of agriculture activity include in farming like land predation, seeding & planting, crop protection, harvesting & post-harvesting, At each step we required different types of farming machinery to do this agriculture activity. In below article, i am explaining some different types of agriculture machinery and their uses.

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Agricultural machinery or implements is a type of machinery used in farming activities. We know farming is the backbone of most of the economics in this world. It is a major source of life. But after the exponential increase of the population, It is major challenges for a farmer to feed the entire population. So for the sake of this, it is important to know the farm mechanization technique, They also know the use of high-quality seeds, the use of fertilizer & apart from this is also important to know the latest farm machinery and their uses.

In this below article I am sharing some major list of modern agricultural implements pictures with names and their uses, this will really help to know how these implements are useful for us.

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Tiller machine | Rotavator or Rotary Tiller

Tiller machine | Rotavator or Rotary Tiller

A tiller is an agricultural implement used to prepare the soil for cultivating and planting.

“Tractor tiller” refers to a device with rotating blades that are attached to the tractor and pulled behind. often farmers called it tractor tillers a “rotary tiller”.

There are various types of tillers used by the power of the motor engine. Some of the customized tillers are self-powered like the small rototillers that are generally used for home gardeners.

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Trade Shows | Fieldking Agriculture Trade Shows Participations
Beri Udyog Pvt Ltd was established in 1978 and is a globally renowned manufacturer of Agricultural implements covering the entire crop cycle with product categories ranging from tillage to harvest equipment, Post-harvest, and Haulage.

FIeldking has continuously participated in agriculture trade shows Kisan Mela 2019, Agri Intex 2019, SIMA 2019, EIMA International 2018 in India or other parts of the world.

Read the complete article to know the participation detail by fieldking in these trade shows.

How Ploughs useful in agriculture? | Advantage of plowing

Plough is one of the popular farm implements from ancient time, plows play a major role in Agriculture. It is used for the cultivation of the land before the seeding and planting. Plough is used to turning the soil, which increases crop yield. It is a type of agriculture machine is pulled by a tractor. Here are a few major benefits of purchasing a plow.

How To Choose the Right Rotavator For Your Farm – Fieldking

There are many factor on which depends whicle choose right rotavator , firstly it depend on the size of the land that you are farming. The working are willl determine the engine size that you need. Experts in the agricultural sector will need large rotators which can able to cope with compacted soils. The require rotator will also need to be strong enough to work with new patches of land that haven’t been planted before.

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Farm Equipment Rental USA: Agriculture Sector- The backbone of indian Economy

Agriculture is the backbone of any country including India. It is a primary source of occupation Indian people because almost more than 70-75 % of the population in India is directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture for its livelihood.

In India there are Lots of fertile lands are available these fertile land is ideal for the production of crops, fruits, trees, minerals, etc.
in India, farmers are taking care of the whole process of agriculture like sowing seeds, harvesting crops, watering, etc.
They were using different types of agriculture machinery like combine, plough, rotavator, leveler, tractor for this purpose.

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India is an agricultural nation, here farming is carried out majority of people, and there are a variety of farming equipment used by an Indian farmer, This equipment could be categorized further into manually carried equipment and tractor-drawn equipment,
Agriculture is the primary source of living in India for more than 60% of the population. As per reference gross value Added by farming, forestry and fishing is estimated at Rs 18.53 trillion (US$ 271.00 billion) in FY18.

This magical figure has achieved by the use of modern agricultural implements, the use of pesticides, high quality of seeds.

In this article, I will explain the common agriculture machinery used by the Indian farmer.

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Common Agriculture Machinery used by Indian Farmer

Common Agriculture Machinery used by Indian Farmer

Common Agriculture Machinery used by Indian Farmer

In India Agriculture is the primary source of living for about more than 60% of India’s population. As per source gross value Added by farming, forestry and fishing are estimated at Rs 18.53 trillion (US$ 271.00 billion) in FY18.

This magic figure has achieved by the use of modern agriculture implements, use of pesticides, high quality of seeds.

In this article, I will explain the common agriculture machinery used by the Indian farmer.

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Combine machine is one of the popular agriculture equipment among the farmer. It is primarily used for the harvesting of rice, wheat, paddy, soybean. Combine performs multiple operations like harvesting, threshing and grain cleaning into a single step. Using the proper use of the combined machine we can not only improve the working efficiency but also we can increase its service life.
In the below article, I have explained to you some tips on how to use the combine harvester properly.

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Combine Harvester & Rotavator Overview by FIELD KING

Combine harvester is one of the popular agricultural machinery which perform harvesting operation of crops.

combine performs multiple operations like reaping, threshing, and winnowing into a single process. It performs below operation

Cutting of crop like wheat, paddy, soybean, Mauze, Mustard, etc from field
It performs threshing operation to separate grain and straw
Cleaning operation to separate unwanted straw and other field contaminants
Packing in the bags
All the above operations combine to perform in a single pass that's why it called combine harvester.

It performs harvesting operations quickly and effectively so that it can save our time and human effort.


Rotavator is also one the popular tillage implements used to plough the field by a series of blades which cuts, pulverizes, mixes and level the soil in a single step, In current era rotovator is consider to be the most economical and effective tool use for replacing the cultivator, disc harrow and leveler.

Rotavator used in agriculture for below farming activities

It uses to break up the soil & land leveling.
Preparation of seedbed for sowing.
Used in primary and secondary tillage.
Minimize fuel consumption & time duration

Plough and Its Uses | Plough Overview – Fieldking

Plough is one of the popular agriculture machinery from ancient time, It has reshaped the farmers’ life after use, It is used in agriculture since the beginning of the olden times. It is used to turn and break up the upper level of agriculture soil, to bury crop remains, and to aid control weeds. In ancient times the plow was made of wood and human-powered, later it became considerably efficient when animals were pressed into service. In the modern era plow is a tractor drive agriculture equipment.
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Proper Use of Rice Combine Harvester – Fieldking

Rice combine harvester or combine machine is one of the poplar agriculture machine primarily used for the harvesting of rice or wheat. Combine performs complete harvesting operation from harvesting, threshing and grain cleaning. By Using the combined machine properly we can not only improve the working efficiency but also can increase its service life.

In the below article, I will explain to you some tips on how to use the combine rice harvester properly.
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Maintenance of Tillage Implements – Fieldking

In the Era of farm mechanization, it is necessary to know the maintenance of tillage implements like Power Harrow, Rotavator, Plough, Ripper, harrows, cultivators, and other tillage implements along with their uses : Below are important tips by whom we can maintain tillage implements Always build the habit to Keep your tillage implements clean by removing all…

Tractor Mounted Mouldboard Plough Manufacturers & Suppliers - FieldKing

Plough is one of the popular agricultural machinery used to turn the soil.
Mould Board Plough is a type of plough used in canal irrigated or heavy rain areas where too many weeds grow.

The shape of M B Plough is designed in such a way that it cut down the soil and invert it to the other side. It trashes and crop residues and bury them under the soil.

Multi Crop Combine Harvester | Advantages of Harvester

Combine harvester is a piece of agricultural machinery that performs multiple operations like reaping, threshing, and winnowing in a single pass. It performs harvesting operations very quickly so that it minimizes our time and effort. The quality product output by combine is preserved because it is not damaged by natural and biological activity. Read more about combine key features, specifications.

Sugar Cane Loader Manufacturers and Suppliers in India - FieldKing

It is one of the popular farm implements used for sugarcane loading.

Key features
It is one of the hydraulically operated mechanized solutions for sugar cane loading.
The Sugarcane loader is used to mount with the tractor and is capable of loading up to 5-meter height in the transport vehicle.
It is easy to assemble and maintain.
Fieldking sugar cane loader can be used for multipurpose handling, loading and unloading purposes.
Read more: sugarcane loader visit

Subsoiler for Sale: 3 Point Tractor Subsoiler Manufacturer - Fieldking

Subsoiler is a piece of agriculture machine use for used for deep tillage, loosening and breaking up soil at depths.
It is specially designed tillage implements for breaking up hardpan layers and loosening the subsoil allowing better drainage, root growth and mineral osmosis. It penetrates deeper in the ground more than disc plough, cultivator.

subsoilers can be attached to a tractor to penetrate deep into the ground, which is an ideal depth for ripping tree roots in a treeline as well as ripping hardpan in a trail. A compact utility tractor is best-suited to haul and host the subsoiler attachment.

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Combine Harvester | Benefits of Combine Harvesters | Advantages of Combine Harvester

Combine harvester or combine machine is one of the larget farm implements that can harvest, winnow, and thresh rice, corn, wheat, sunflower, pulses, and other crops right out in the field in a single step. Combine perform harvesting operation in such a manner that It can save operation time as well as human effort, and bring down work costs for farmers. Overall these machines can increase farming output since the harvesting is carried out more efficiently, and due to this, it makes farming more profitable.

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A cultivator is a piece of agricultural machine used for seedbed preparation, it also ideal for proper cutting and aeration of the soil, which makes the soil ideal for plantation. Cultivators are uniquely designed for light and medium soil, it can work up to nine inches.

Rotavator | Advantage of Rotavator | Use of Tractor Rotavator

Rotavator is one of the popular agriculture machines with rotating blades that are used as primary and secondary sowing. It is used in agriculture for the break up the soil & land leveling.
Rotavator provides convenience and efficiency to local farmers because it can easily prepare the seedbed for sowing, it also minimizes fuel consumption & time duration.

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Disc Blades: Manufacturer and Suppliers for Disk Blades in India - Fieldking

Disc blades are often used for properly setting up the soil for growing crops. After the use of the disc blade, the soil increases the penetration of water, aeration and enhances the activity of fertility within the soil. Fieldking disc blades are made up of boron steel it has several advantages over conventional steel such as it provides sharper cutting performance.

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