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Updated by Craig Daniels on Dec 01, 2021
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5 Tips For Staying In The Moment

Each moment offers us a new opportunity to take a different road than the one we currently on. The key to engaging with that opportunity is to pay attention to each moment as it unfolds. This paying attention is not a complicated act nor is does it require us to spend years learning how to be in the moment.

Each and everyday we all go about existing in mindless habits and thoughts. And each time we repeat a habit or routine it becomes welded deeper and deeper into our mind. If we want to see what's actually going on in current reality we need to break out from our thought prison we've created for ourselves.



Embrace Your Breath

Embrace Your Breath

The sounds sensations and smells found within each breath are gateways to staying in the present moment.

Watching your breath while doing everyday tasks pulls you from the prison of the relentless stream of thinking.


Stop And Ask, What Am I Doing

Stop And Ask, What Am I Doing

Ask yourself, "what am I doing right now"? You may be surprised when you ask this of yourself. You may be doing one thing while at the same time thinking about many other things.

I often wear a small band around my wrist to help remind me to not wander off from what I'm focusing on, to remind me to stay in the present moment.


Do One Thing, Then Another

Do One Thing, Then Another

It's easy to find ourselves staring at our web browser and realize that we have many tabs open, tabs that lead to subjects that have little or nothing to do with what's important in this moment.

There are a number of useful apps available to help us focus on the here and now. One such app is the Pomodoro Technique app. It's a great little app to help us stay focused, if it's not for you do a search for apps that help us stay focused


Become Ambidextrous.

Become Ambidextrous.

It may sound a bit off the wall, but learning to eat or write with your non-dominant hand can be a gift of learning how to stay in the present moment.

You'll find learning to construct written pages and bringing food to your mouth with a different hand is both difficult and very rewarding.


Be Aware Of Routines And Habits.

Be Aware Of Routines And Habits.

When noticing your actions or thoughts are caught in a mindless routine acknowledge the recognition with a smile and change it in that moment. Turn it upside down or inside out, but change it. Change it at least momentarily.

Create a list of your most obvious routines and habits as a first start on the road to being aware of them and changing them. Routines are neither good nor bad, they just cloud our view of what's going on each moment, they numb us to current reality.