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Updated by matthew-3 on Nov 19, 2018
matthew-3 matthew-3
10 items   1 followers   0 votes   5 views


Paranormal Research and Ghost Hunting are what life is about! Just think if we can master this now, we will know more when we pass to the other side or not!


Ghost Hunting

Ghost Hunting

A Ghost Investigation Deep in the Heart of Birmingham City Centre where the energy was high and the dead were active.


Subterranean Birmingham

Subterranean Birmingham

Join us on a Ghost Tour of Haunted Birmingham, The Haunted Canal Tour and listen to tales of the dead, the dying and where the ghosts are waiting...

Haunted Ghost Tours

Join your guide as he leads you through the haunted streets telling you haunting stories, where the dead still walk and where they wait for the living.

Haunted Ghost Adventures

As you join our professional mediums, sensitives or paranormal investigators you will be able to explore the haunted grounds using some of the latest ghost hunting equipment including Ghost Boxes, EVPs, EMFs, Dowsing Crystals, Join in Seances and investigate the haunted surroundings.

Haunted Overnight Events

Are you brave enough to stay in a huanted location and investigate deep into the dark of the night. Join our professional team and use professional equipment and get involved in seances, evp sessions and full investigations.


Visiting The Dead

Visiting The Dead

Investigating into the night, the catacombs and the dead where alive and ready for our group and team of experts

Special Haunted Trips

Special Haunted Events with our Paranormal Team of Investigators, Sensitives and Mediums.
Small private groups for a one to one experience


Ornaments and Figurines

Corporate Services

All our corporate services in one place.


The Original Ghost Tour of Subterranean Birmingham

The Original Ghost Tour of Subterranean Birmingham

The Birmingham Ghost Tour - The Original Canal Tour of Subterranean Birmingham