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Updated by John Lasschuit on Aug 09, 2013
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Defeat Monsanto

Levy - en de Slag om ons Voedsel, deel 2 - 15-6-2011 - TVblik

Programmamaker Gideon Levy belandt in Brussel in een demonstratie voor steun aan kleine boeren. Levy stuit op een richtingenstrijd. Zo kiezen Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen en Zadenmultinational Monsanto voor technologie en massaproductie, met gebruik van bestrijdingsmiddelen. De speciale VN-rapporteur voor voedsel ziet echter veel meer heil in de kleine biologische boer. De uitkomst van deze strijd zal de toekomst van veel ontwikkelingslanden bepalen. Levy bezocht in de vorige aflevering een voor Afrikaanse begrippen modern lab in Uganda waar een speciale banaan wordt gekweekt. Het patent blijkt bij het bedrijf Monsanto te berusten. In de aflevering van 15 juni doet Levy verwoede pogingen de chemie- en zadenmultinational Monsanto te spreken te krijgen. Ook legt hij z'n bevindingen voor aan Rudy Rabbinge, hoogleraar Duurzame Ontwikkeling en Voedselveiligheid aan de Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen en pleitbezorger van een 'Groene revolutie' in Afrika.

Alison Rose Levy: Organic Farm Groups Sue Monsanto

Family farmers filed suit against Monsanto yesterday to protect themselves from future accusations of patent infringement when Monsanto's genetically modified seed contaminates their crops.

Russia suspends Monsanto biotech corn | Des Moines Register Staff Blogs

Russia has temporarily suspended sale of the biotech corn seed NK603 produced by Monsanto after a French study  linked consumption of the corn with tumors in rats.
NASDAQ reports that “Russia’s ...

Wij Worden Wakker

Monsanto onderscheidt zich van andere multinationals door de vastberadenheid om de hele voedselketen wereldwijd te controleren. De afgelopen tien jaar heeft Monsanto honderden bedrijven opgekocht die zaden produceren. Monsanto voert een absolute controle uit, onder andere door middel van patenten. Deze patenten leveren geld op. Natuurlijke gewassen leveren geen geld op omdat er (nog?) geen octrooi op genomen kan worden. Men hoort mensen wel eens zeggen: Als je geen problemen wilt krijgen met Monsanto, dan koop je toch gewoon hun genetisch gemanipuleerde zaden niet? Dan koop je toch ‘natuurlijke’ zaden?

Monsanto - SourceWatch

Monsanto is considered the mother of agricultural biotechnology. The company produces biotechnology, genomics and herbicides for corn, cotton, oil seeds, and vegetables. It produces genetically altered seeds to tolerate it's flagship product, Roundup. Monsanto also produces Asgrow, DEKALB, Deltapine, and Seminis seeds. Other products have included Agent Orange, the now ubiquitous PCBs, DDT, Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) and Aspartame.

Ocean Robbins: Did Monsanto Trick California Voters?

California could have been the first state in the nation to mandate the labeling of genetically engineered foods. The food movement is growing fast, but as a political force, it's still in its infancy.

Organic Consumers Association: Millions Against Monsanto

Research and Action Center for the Organic, Buy local, and Fair trade movements.

Monsanto news, articles and information:

Monsanto news, articles and information:

De wereld volgens Monsanto (vlaams/nederlands ondertiteld) - YouTube

Marie-Monique Robin, die al drie andere documentaires op haar naam heeft staan over biodiversiteit en patenten op leven, kwam daarbij steeds de naam Monsanto...

The evil of Monsanto and GMOs explained: Bad technology, endless greed and the destruction of humanity

The evil of Monsanto and GMOs explained: Bad technology, endless greed and the destruction of humanity

Vroege Vogels: De wereld volgens Monsanto

Deze week verschijnt een alarmerend boek, van Marie Monique Robin, over het grootste, maar ook zeer omstreden gentech bedrijf ter wereld: Monsanto, marktleider in transgene zaden en fabrikant van onkruidbestrijdingsmiddel RoundUp. Lucas Reijnders, hoogleraar milieukunde aan de UvA sloeg al meer dan 30 jaar geleden alarm over dit Amerikaanse bedrijf. Hij was toentertijd in Nederland een roepende in de woestijn en werd door sommigen zelfs met de nek aangekeken.

Occupy Monsanto | As Monsanto has occupied our farms and foods, it's time we take them back.

As Monsanto has occupied our farms and foods, it's time we take them back. – Monsanto: US$ 7,5 miljard terugbetalen aan boeren!

Langzaam maar zeker zijn burgers, overal ter wereld wakker aan het worden. Monsanto deugt niet.. Dát is de duidelijke conclusie die steeds meer burgers trekken. En.. rechtbanken veroordelen Monsant...

Will Monsanto Rule Our Lives? Vote for Prop. 37

'Proposition 37, the GMO labeling initiative has slipped a whopping 17 points.' Vandana Shiva, Sonali Kolhatkar, Uprising Radio

Monsanto: The Future of Our Food

Monsanto is not only the ruler of the GE industry, but they have ruling plans for the world too. And with the US Government behind them, they have everything in place to carry out their plans.

The World According to Monsanto | Watch Free Documentary Online

There's nothing they are leaving untouched: the mustard, the okra, the bringe oil, the rice, the cauliflower. Once they have established the norm: that se

French ban of Monsanto GM maize rejected by EU | Environment |

The EU's food safety body ruled there is 'no specific scientific evidence' that the insect-resistant strain is harmful to health or the environment

Dreaming A Beautiful World: Your Food is at Stake - Sue Monsanto

In the past two decades, Monsanto’s seed monopoly has grown so powerful that they control the genetics of nearly 90% of five major commodity crops including corn, soybeans, cotton, canola and sugar beets! Their insecticide poison producing crops and Round Up Ready crops are everywhere.

European sellouts reject study linking GM corn to cancer; ignore cold, hard facts to protect biotech industry

European sellouts reject study linking GM corn to cancer; ignore cold, hard facts to protect biotech industry

Monsanto to get immunity from federal laws? - YouTube

The United States is experiencing itsworst drought since the 1950's, but that's not the only thing affecting your food supply these days - a new bill aimed a...

Farm Bill Gives Monsanto Unbelievable Powers over US Food Supply | Politicol News

US Farm Bill, sponsored by Monsanto gives them total control of agriculture, deregulates GMO, and cuts food stamps to the poor. Scrap the Farm Bill, a dangerous hand over of power to Monsanto.

Occupy Monsanto » Alexis Baden-Mayer

There’s no more basic right than petitioning the government – but not if there’s no one to receive the petitions. And so it was with the petition that called for the labeling of food containing genetically modified organisms (GMO). Plenty of people want to know what they are eating and want food labeling to indicate if the food has been genetically modified.

Monsanto Losing Left and Right | Stuart Wilde | The Official Author Website

Monsanto, the Frankenstein seed company, is losing ground around the world. India just passed a law forcing them to label their dodgy GM foods, and Poland became the 8th EU country to ban Monsanto’s corn, along with France and Germany and others, the corn is known to cause cancer in rats. Russia banned Monsanto in September 2012.

Monsanto's Roundup And Resistant Corn Found To Be Toxic - Business Insider

Original: The first animal feeding trial studying the lifetime effects of exposure to Monsanto Roundup weedkiller and Monsanto's NK603 Roundup-resistant genetically modified corn found that exposure levels currently considered safe can cause tumors, multiple organ damage and premature death in rats.

Cancer of Corruption, Seeds of Destruction: The Monsanto GMO Whitewash | Global Research

Because of the power vested in the EU Commission in Brussels, Belgium, with command over a space encompassing 27 nations with more than 500 million citizens and the largest nominal world gross domestic product (GDP) of 18 trillion US dollars, it’s perhaps no surprise in this era of moral promiscuity that powerful private lobby groups such as the tobacco industry, the drug lobby, the agribusiness lobby and countless others spend enormous sums of money and other favors—legal and sometimes illegal—to influence policy decisions of the EU Commission.