"I wear my hat as I please indoors or out...I exist as I am, that is enough." - Walt Whitman, Section 20
Whitman is the ultimate nonconformist and refuses to be an object to subjugation by society and its expectations.
He wants to dress however he wants regardless of anyone's judgement because he is just being himself. If you want to look all pretty or handsome for a special event or if you want to try out the newest trends, he will just tell you that it's a waste of time because you are not being true to who you are as a person. So at the end of the day you can't even enjoy a nice day out because he'll remind you that you are conforming to others' expectations of you and that you are becoming a tool for society to use. He would say that there's no need to shave or wear deodorant, just let your body do its natural thing.
Well Whitman, not everyone have your sense of confidence!