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Updated by John Unger on Nov 13, 2018
John Unger John Unger
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Best Blogs For Parents in 2018

Let's face it, parenting takes a huge part of our life (at least for the majority). Nothing has the power to change us like parenthood. Thanks to God and talanted inspired moms, they started to share their outlook and knowlrdge. It’s no wonder we look to mom blogs for solidarity, inspiration, and sometimes just a few laughs. So, now we can only observe, choose the best and rely on their opinion and experience. These are the top blogs that provide all of that and sometimes even more. Here is the most popular mom's blog in 2018 to my mind.

Pregnancy Advice & Parenting Tips for Imperfect Parents –

Pregnancy Advice & Parenting Tips for Imperfect Parents

The winner in our small chart. Once a personal blog of Jill Smokler and now a recognizable brand that evolved into one of the biggest online mommy sites. It gives a voice to countless mom bloggers. Great interaction with the audience, live-streaming, and visuals are the main distinguishes from others.

What to Expect - The Most Trusted Pregnancy & Parenting Brand | What to Expect

Track pregnancy week-by-week, chat with other moms and find information on baby and toddler development, pregnancy symptoms and more on

This is a blog that will help you find all your favorite parenting crucial. It has great structured topics and articles for every moment of parenting starting from 'Getting Pregnant' to a 'Toddler' stage. Plus a huge variety of baby products overview.

Mommys Tips | Blog for Eager Moms

If you have a million tasks to do and you want to do it well, stop by. We'll talk about how to be a perfect wife, mother and comprehensively developed person.

Pretty new, but very promising and inspiring blog. It was created as a way to connect with fellow moms, exchange ideas, and share stories of motherhood and life. Here you may find a lot of stuff beginning with pregnancy, books recommendations for your kids, relationships, success, and health advice for women.


A healthy mom blog to keep you and your family safe and a wellness site for everyday women who want to detox their home with sanity.

Launched by Leah Segedie, passionate food activist, who worried about global issues and leaving a decent heritage for the kids. She is fulfilling big aims to teach other moms healthy living practices. Her ShiftCon Social Media Conference, it is an event for green and wellness bloggers is amazing.




Food has a way of bringing people together in so many unique ways. As I surveyed the crowd at our local Texas de Brazil restaurant, I took note of birthday and anniversary celebrations, … [Read More...]

Сool resource for those who do not know how to entertain their children. The vast amount of craft ideas, recipes and travel advice for busy moms. Great space for sharing passions like health, fitness, and going green.