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Updated by Holistic Angels Health Advocates LLC on Oct 13, 2019
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Holistic Angels Health Advocates LLC

Eating Right on the Holidays

With the holidays just around the corner, there are a lot of things to look forward to and food that is to come.

Burning Those Calories after the Holidays

The holidays are the best time of the year. You’ll get to spend time with family, enjoy great food, and create amazing memories. However, we all know that during the holidays we all tend to gain more inches around the waistline than we intended. This is a problem that we tend to notice as we age due to slower metabolisms but there is a solution to this issue!

Power Foods for This Holiday Season – Part 1

What do you look forward to in the holiday season? While some others get excited about being able to be with family once again, there are still a good number of us who look forward to the sumptuous party.

Power Foods for This Holiday Season – Part 2

There’s always more excitement in the air when we look forward to the holidays. Thankfully, good food can no longer hinder our way of celebration because of healthier ingredients. If you’re interested to seek assistance in preparing for the holidays, tap our team at Holistic Angels Health Advocates LLC.

Improve Your Habits For A New And Healthier You

The New Year can bring a lot of freshness to your career, your family’s welfare, and simply to your own health when you make the best choices that will improve your way of life. The choices you make can also mean better health options for your senior family members every time you share beneficial essentials for their well-being.

Health Care | Service | Hamden, Connecticut

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Healthy Practices You Can Start For The New Year

Anything healthy and positive can be a great addition to your new year’s resolution and it would be advantageous to include healthful practices that will improve your old ways for a healthier, better you.

These 3 Physical Routines Can Increase Your Heart’s Health

Just how essential are physical activities for your body? For starters, let’s zero in on the heart. As one of the major organs in the body, the heart is susceptible to infections and illnesses that make caring for it very crucial and life-saving. In fact, many seniors who have heart challenges are greatly benefiting from the assistance of professional Healthcare providers in Connecticut, especially as they go about with their daily activities.

What You Should Be Eating to Feed Your Heart

One of the essential ways to manage heart-health issues is by checking on one’s calorie intake. As prominent Healthcare Advocates in Hamden, Connecticut, we work with seniors at home who are also in dire need of proper health management so that their overall health is maintained, their hearts included.

9 Tips to Help Boost Your Mental Health

Count your blessings and be grateful for each of them. Have a sense of gratitude in everything that comes your way. At the same time, make it a habit to say “Thank You” to the people around you. Send them cards or flowers to show your gratitude.

How Exercise Is Beneficial to Both Body and Brain

Exercise is good for your health. You might have heard the same statement from many Healthcare Advocates in Hamden, Connecticut before. This is because it is true. Exercise offers a lot of benefits that do not only pertain to the physical aspect but also to the mental one.

How Meditation Benefits Your Overall Health

Meditation can be closely associated with the religious or spiritual practice. However, meditation continues to gain popularity beyond the religious understanding, especially in this Internet age, as meditation helps an individual achieve relaxation and improved mental wellbeing.

Spiritual Health: Tips to Care for Your Spirit

No matter how old we are, we all agree that taking care of our body is a very essential practice. In the same level, nurturing a healthy mind keeps us steady over mental troubles and depression. However, do we also take adequate care of our spirit? This concept is not about joining an established religion. Taking care of our spiritual aspect is simply focusing on our inner self, what gives us peace, what makes us happy, and what gives us hope amidst tough times.

Seasonal Allergies: 4 Things You May Not Know About

As soon as spring comes right around the corner, allergy season begins. Are you prepared for it? If you’re currently shaking your head, then you might want to keep reading this article. To help you out, Holistic Angels Health Advocates LLC has decided to put together a short list of facts that should give you a better insight about seasonal allergies. After all, when you know what exactly it is that you’re up against, the better you will be able to protect yourself from it.

5 Ways You Can Lower Your Risk of Getting Allergies

Allergies. Who likes them? While our bodies instigate it as a reaction to keep foreign and possibly harmful particles out of our system, it still doesn’t help the fact that having a runny nose and a pair of watery eyes can be a bit troublesome to deal with. Just imagine how much more stressful doing chores would be when you’re constantly being halted by a string of sneezes?

5 Tips: How Seniors Can Stay Hydrated During Summer

The summer season can be an exciting time to head outdoors and enjoy a lot of sceneries. However, the blazing heat of the sun can also be a reason for us to be dehydrated, which occurs when our body loses a lot of water. This can be even more risky for our aging loved ones who can be easily dehydrated. For our senior loved ones, dehydration is not a good thing because it can result to further health risks for them.

Dementia Care: Guiding Seniors with Oral Health

Taking care of one’s oral health is crucial in maintaining quality life especially in the person’s aging season. However, when they are diagnosed with any type of dementia, oral care may be forgotten in time. The progression of dementia can affect the person’s overall well-being, and this is why they will need the assistance of Healthcare providers in Connecticut to ensure that their personal care needs are being addressed properly.

Top 5 Options for Healthy Activities Outdoors

When our parents reach the golden years, going outdoors can become more challenging. We will tend to worry not only of their safety but also of their health especially when our loved ones are going through ailments or having mobility issues. With all the many outdoor activities available, are there any that can be ideal and healthy for seniors? Thankfully, the answer to that question is YES. In fact, as Healthcare Advocates in Hamden, Connecticut, we have looked up recommended outdoor activities that are not only exciting for seniors but also healthy for their overall wellbeing.

Tips to Maintain Health and Safety when Outdoors

Do you describe yourself as an outdoorsy person? Whether you’re an indoor or outdoor enthusiast, there is no denying of the great contributions of outdoor activities to our overall health. For this reason, as Healthcare Advocates in Hamden, Connecticut, we encourage you to spend time outdoors as regularly as possible. There are many activities you can do outdoors that can also be healthy for your overall health.

5 Strategies to Relieve Stress in Under Five Minutes

People tend to spend half a day on average to relieve stress. They might do it on their rest days or when they are on vacation. Healthcare advocates in Hamden, Connecticut can offer a lot of exercises and meditation techniques that one can use for relieving stress too. But, what about you who are too stressed but only have a few minutes to take a break? What should you do when you don't have much time to spend on those stress relief techniques?

5 Stress Management Tips for Seniors

Stress is bad for the body. It can also affect your behavior, feelings, and thoughts. Too much stress, if left unchecked, can even contribute to many health problems. The most common ones include diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Senior home safety is also compromised if one is too stressed to pay attention to one’s surroundings.

What Home Exercises are Healthy for Seniors

Even our aging loved ones can also benefit from doing daily exercises. The active lifestyle can help reduce the risks of chronic diseases. It also helps to maintain their healthy weight so that our elderly loved ones can have the quality life. But what exercises are ideal for our aging family members? Also, should they exercise indoors or outdoors?

5-Point Guide in Improving Elderly Mobility

There are many reasons why seniors experience mobility difficulties. Thankfully, there are also steps we can take so that these difficulties can be overcome. Unless their mobility issues are caused by diseases or disabilities, you can assist your loved one in daily practices of enhancing their strength. In achieving these guidelines, your loved one may need assistance. If you’re not around to assist them, a Healthcare provider in Connecticut can take your place.

Balancing the Body, Mind, and Spirit

Challenges come to us in many forms. When we are only strong in one aspect, we miss covering the needs required from the other areas. For example, if we are focused on improving the physical body through exercise and nutrition, we might not provide answers for tasks related to the mental aspect; or, if we are only practicing our mental muscles, we might not get the connection that only comes from inner reflection and motivation.

Tips to Achieve Balance in Life

Good health is not just physical health. Holistic wellness is interconnected with the body, mind, and spirit. As we care for our seniors’ quality of life, we look after their health. An effective senior care program from Healthcare Advocates in Hamden, Connecticut addresses the needs of the body, mind, and soul.