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Updated by jhonlewman555 on Nov 10, 2018
Headline for UseOrca - Linkedin Social Selling
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UseOrca - Linkedin Social Selling

Our mission is to help teams do sales better by exploring ways to spark conversations with leads the right way.

Small team, big love

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Automate Social Selling on LinkedIn

When you say salespeople, the first image that comes to mind is the old school hard-sell guys. They promise you that buying a new vacuum is definitely going to change your life, and if you’re not into the idea, well, it’s a time-limited offer. Blink and you’ll miss it. In 2018, we do things differently. Trust and credibility have never been as important as they are today. Cold calls don’t cut it anymore; no one wants to be bothered over the phone with a rehearsed call center script that doesn’t show the unique benefits of a product to them. Instead, what customers want are relationships. Enter the era of social selling.

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How to Get More LinkedIn Profile Views

Customers and prospects want a relationship. They want to understand who’s on the other side of the deal, and how the product helps them, in their particular case. The best way to sell today is with social selling. And since we all use LinkedIn (especially if we’re selling in the B2B space), there’s only one thing on our minds: Getting more LinkedIn profile views.

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How to Automate LinkedIn Messages and Connects

We live in an automated world. From automated emails to self-driving cars, if we can get it done faster and easier, it has our vote. So when we’re selling, it’s completely natural that we want to streamline the process.

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The Benefits of LinkedIn Sales Automation

If you have a great sales team, the worst thing you can do is make them perform routine tasks. Salespeople are here to sell, not do data entry and manually go through thousands of LinkedIn profiles in hopes of finding the perfect leads they can successfully convert to customers.That’s just a waste of time and talent.

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4 Best LinkedIn Automation Tools

Even though LinkedIn understands the value of their platform for social selling, there still aren’t enough tools. Official LinkedIn tools seem like they only want to help us with lead generation and after that, it’s every salesman for himself. Here are some LinkedIn automation tools we love at Orca.

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Generate more leads automating Linkedin sequences

Orca Social Selling Platform enables forward-thinking companies to efficiently and effectively engage prospects to drive more pipeline and close more deals through automated Linkedin engagements like profile visits, connects and messages.

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How to Automate LinkedIn Connections

There’s nothing more effective than social selling on LinkedIn. As a professional network, LinkedIn is the go-to resource for many people who want to improve the way they do business, or find solutions for common problems. That’s why salespeople who use LinkedIn for lead generation and prospect outreach meet or exceed their quota in 98% of cases. Here's how you can automate your Linkedin connects.
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Automate LinkedIn Messages

Why and how you should automate your LinkedIn messages to reach more prospects and generate more leads with less work.
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How to Get Noticed on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a powerhouse for B2B social selling. 75% of B2B buyers and 84% of C-suite executives use social media to make purchasing decisions. And there’s nothing like a professional network like LinkedIn to help you get in touch with real prospects who are interested in buying what you’re selling
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There's a better way to generate leads for your clients.

Orca Social Selling Platform enables sales-as-a service agencies to efficiently and effectively engage prospects to drive more pipeline and close more deals for clients through automated Linkedin profile visits, connects, and follow-ups.
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