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Updated by Annliya Anoop on Nov 23, 2018
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Best Chiropractic Leichhardt in Incline Health | Australia

The chiropractors at Incline Health are experts in non-surgical spine and joint care. Modern chiropractic addresses conditions that occur in your back and neck such as sciatic pain, muscle tension, sprain and strain injuries, whiplash, acute and chronic back and neck pain, slipped disc pain, arthritis and headaches.


A posture assessment is an evaluation tool to assess the structure and function of your body. This assessment gives the chiropractor important information in terms of pain, joint function, muscular strength and specific areas which maybe causing dysfunction.

Dry Needling Sydney - Incline Health

Dry needling is a specific procedure in which a thin acupuncture needle is inserted into the skin and muscle directly at a myofascial trigger point or muscular tendon to elicit a healing response. A myofascial trigger point is a focus of small muscle fibre knots, which are related to the production of pain. They often occur as a result of postural dysfunction and in areas of musculoskeletal stress.