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Updated by Luke Skar on Jul 13, 2023
Headline for Top Homeowner Advice And Resources
Luke Skar Luke Skar
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Top Homeowner Advice And Resources

List of top homeowner advice and resource articles from some of the best real estate bloggers in the country! Learn DIY tricks, home maintenance, things to get ready before you sell and much more.

DIY Weekend Home Improvement Projects

Small changes can make a large impact. To help you with these changes we have assembled a list of popular but simple weekend home improvement projects.

Converting Your Home Into A Rental Property

How to convert your primary residence into an investment property or what is also called a primary residence to rental property conversion.

First 9 Things To Do After Buying A House

There is no feeling like signing all the paperwork to purchase a home and holding those keys in your hand for the first time. Becoming a homeowner is definitely a rush and a major sense of accomplishment. Now that you have carved a piece of the world to claim as your own, it is time to get set up. Here are the top things to do after buying a house.

Top DIY Home Maintenance Tips

Tackling these maintenance tasks throughout the year will help spot trouble before it turns in to a catastrophe and keeps the home in top shape all year long.

What New Homeowners Need After Buying A Home

Moving into a first home can be full of emotions ranging from excitement, confusion, and exhaustion. However, frustration will arise when you need an item but it is not available, such as a screwdriver or a mop. In order to make the adjustment period easier, I have compiled a list of things that will help almost all new homeowners.

Home Maintenance Projects That Should Be Looked At

List of 21 of the most important preventative DIY home maintenance tasks to give you some help in taking care of your property.

Reasons To Refinance Your Home

When mortgage rates drop, current homeowners are faced with the big question “Should I refinance my mortgage?” Learn top reasons to refinance

20 Things to do After Closing on a House

When you close on your new home and finally get the keys, it's time to celebrate. You might have just secured your dream home after a difficult and stressful home buying process, so it's time to relax, right?

However, there are things that you should be doing to ensure a smooth transition and future in your new home. Simple things that can save you money, help you avoid legal problems, or even save your life.

These are steps that many home buyers miss, and later wish they hadn't. We look at the 20 things you should be doing after closing on your new home so that you don't make the same mistakes.

Insurance Tips For Homeowners

Home owners insurance tips on how to get the best coverage at the best rates.

Costly Mistakes Homeowners Make Which Affects Value

There can be mistakes that homeowners make while owning the home and these mistakes will ultimately reflect in a loss in value in the home.

How To Pay Off Your Mortgage Early

Find out how homeowners across the United States are paying off mortgages early. Seven tips on how to pay off mortgage early.

6 Ways to Increase and Build your Home Equity

Home equity is the amount of money built up in your home from the cash investment used as down payment and the increase in real estate prices.

Smart Ways to Boost Your Home’s Value

Real Estate News and Views for Metrowest Massachusetts. Published by Bill Gassett RE/MAX Executive Realty

How To Build Up An Emergency Savings Fund

Having an emergency savings fund can help prevent you from going further into debt or even worse not being able to manage the emergency effectively. This article explores how to start an emergency savings fund.

What Causes Homeowner’s Insurance to Rise and Fall

Buying a home is one of the largest financial investments you will make in your lifetime. As with any investment, it’s important to safeguard your home –

How To Pay Off Your Mortgage Early: 7 Ways Homeowners can conquer the Debt

Find out how homeowners across the United States are paying off mortgages early. Seven tips on how to pay off mortgage early.

Vacation Home Decor Ideas (Second Home Decorating)

Discover decor ideas to perfect your home away from home. Do you want to spruce up your second home? Make your brand new vacation home feel just like your own with these creative home decor ideas.

What To Do After Buying A Home

Once you are in contract to buy a home then the real works begins. Especially when it comes to setting up important services for your home you need to set them up early.

Shady Slope Gardening Tips

If you're looking for some shady slope gardening tips, take a look at this post by Eileen Anderson. Eileen goes into the details of how to clean up that slope before planting, the in between details, what plants work best and how to take care of your garden.

Summer Garden Ideas: Before and After Photos

Take a look at this post by Eileen Anderson for some great garden ideas for your home. The before and after pictures are stunning!

Building Equity is One of the Primary Financial Benefits of Homeownership

Every real estate investor or homeowner would always strive to build equity. Building Equity is the value your home has after subtracting your loan balance.

3 Easy DIY Projects that Increase Your Home Salability

This article contains key information about DIY Projects that Increase Your Home Salability. This DIY Projects article is via Anita Clark.

Tips For Homeowners To Save Money

Saving money and building up a rainy day fund is easier than you think with the tips in this article.

Mortgage Forbearance Has Ended: What Should A Homeowner Do?

Due to the COVID virus some homeowners opted for mortgage forbearance in order to protect their finances. Learn about what homeowners should be doing once the deferred mortgage amounts come due.

Getting Rid Of The Junk In Your Home

Do you have a lot of junk lying around your house? If so, it might be time to hire a junk removal company.

Take a look at this post by Bill Gassett ~ RE/MAX Executive Realty to learn everything you need to know about junk removal companies!