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Office 365 has become a popular choice as an intranet and digital workplace solution for large and small businesses looking for a scalable, easy-to-use business platform. Read more benefits of an intranet on Office 365.
SharePoint is a popular business tool. However, most don’t know what SharePoint is fully capable of and how it can be used as an Office Forms, Document Management, Project Management, and Corporate Communication solution, all-in-one. Learn more about SharePoint Intranet Templates.
In this presentation you will learn how to turn Office 365 intranet into an easy-to-use Employee Hub that provides the tools your business and employees need to easily and quickly search for documents, access information, complete HR forms, execute manual processes, and find self-help – just to name a few.
Automating repetitive and manual business processes, workflows, and tasks is moving the needle of business efficiency and simplifying employees’ lives. Little do businesses know – Office 365 can be used to easily automate a wide range of workflows and tasks from simple to complex. Learn more.
Are these work-related challenges part of your daily struggle? A ready-to-go Office 365 Intranet can alone be a quick and easy alternative to all those costly tools you use separately to complete a variety of critical operations at your workplace.
An Office 365 Intranet organizes your projects, documents, and communication together so you have one central source of truth. It keeps your projects centralized and clear so that everyone knows what to do, knows where things stand, and gets what they need without having to spend as much time in meetings.
See our presentation to learn - How an Employee Hub solves everyday challenges faced by employees and How Office 365 can be turned into an Employee Hub?
In this presentation, you will learn how employees can save time, increase their productivity, and successfully achieve tasks with less time and effort. A modern, employee-focused Office 365 Intranet can help you achieve just that. It provides tools that support your employees in their daily work, drive communication and collaboration, and engage your entire workforce.
An Office 365 Intranet provides businesses and employees a better way to manage documents and work collaboratively. It makes it easy to organize, search, find, and share documents and information across your teams – all from one secure place. Learn why an Office 365 Intranet is the right tool for your document management and overall workplace needs.
Automating repetitive and manual business processes, workflows, and tasks is moving the needle of business efficiency and simplifying employees’ lives. Organizations that embrace Business Process Automation have cut costs, saved time, and eliminated errors. All while reducing their IT burden, improving employee productivity, and ensuring stronger accountability and compliance.
In this presentation, you will learn how to turn your Office 365 Intranet into a Business Hub.
More and more organizations on Office 365 are adopting intranet and digital workplace solutions that fully utilize Office 365 tools. BizPortals 365 isn’t just a cost effective, turnkey intranet. It also has HR, Project Management, and Workflow Automation tools allowing it to be your Business Hub on Office 365.
If you want to get more out of your Office 365 with one comprehensive tool, this presentation is for you.
The role of IT has changed from simply responding to break-fix requests, to playing a strategic and central role in bringing more value to businesses. And this means freeing them up from time consuming work, so they can concentrate on important activities that affect your bottom-line.
A turnkey Office 365 Intranet can equip them with tools that simplify the ticketing system, help manage assets and vendor relationships, and alert employees on upcoming maintenance.
Modern businesses need modern solutions; so why not invest in a modern intranet on Office 365? Our presentation takes a look at what Modern Intranets are, what benefits they offer, and why you absolutely need one. Take a look.
When we think of onboarding, we typically picture an HR Manager sitting with a new hire for hours, pouring over documents, explaining the policies and procedures, getting the paperwork signed, introducing them to the team, etc. Sounds time consuming? Well, this is why automating the process is important. It reduces recruitment costs, improves overall productivity and retention of employees, cuts down on paper-work, and ultimately brings new employees in the loop.
An Office 365 intranet helps automate the process by creating tasks for people involved in onboarding, sending them reminders, providing and managing access to documents and online training for new hires, etc. A good office 365 onboarding experience speaks highly of a company, ensures higher employee retention and satisfaction rates.
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Automation is pervasive and is growing extensively in the business world. Intranet portals are also using automation to achieve better employee engagement and productivity in the organization. With the effective use of ready-to-go intranet solutions like BizPortals 365, businesses can easily automate a wide range of workflows and tasks in the most efficient manner. An intranet portal can help you automate business tasks, form and document approvals, notifications, etc. It also helps with personalization of pages and search results. The automation of workflow enables quick, easy, efficient, error-free processes and also standardizes the business system.
Measuring the effectiveness of an intranet is critical in ensuring that it is worth the investment, making sure continuous improvements are being made and engaging the users to boost the bottom line of business. There are key intranet metrics that provide valuable insights to evaluate the effectiveness of your intranet and also help in taking measures to improve your intranet’s performance and drive employee engagement. It can also help you map your intranet goals with the outcomes, build or alter strategies, measure and assess ROI that in turn helps drive continuous improvement and make key decisions.
Boost communication and collaboration at your workplace with digital bulletin boards. Know how corporate bulletin boards can improve internal communication.
Are you still struggling with stacks of files, receipts, and expenses? Filing taxes is a way too complicated for most of us. Get over the challenges of document management, speed, security with an intranet for financial services.
BizPortals 365 is a leading turnkey, ready-to-go office 365 intranet that offers a comprehensive suite of business-centric features available 'built-in' into one a...