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Updated by admin-131 on Nov 16, 2022
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Top 3 Weather Gadgets for Camping

Going Camping? Consider these gadgets so you don't get left out in the rain (or lighting!).

Camping can be great fun, but when it storms, you need to make sure you stay safe, and that can be hard to do when you're away from home and have no electricity. These gadgets will help give you the piece of mind you need. Enjoy!


Emergency Weather Radio

Emergency Weather Radio

An emergency weather radio will ensure you are in the know if there is a storm. Most run off batteries and some even have a hand crank, so you don't need electricity! Best Weather Radios


Lightning Detector

Lightning Detector

A lightning detector will warn you as lighting gets closer. They start to detect lightning about 40 miles away and can help you determine which direction the storm is moving. This is vital to staying safe! Best Personal Lightning Detector


Portable Weather Station

Portable Weather Station

Portable weather stations are like carrying around a meteorologist around in the palm of your hand. They measure everything from temperature, humidity, pressure, altitude, wind (speed and direction), and more. The top portable weather stations are rugged and waterproof so they can be taken anywhere. This is a must have if you go camping often! Best Portable Weather Station