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Sailing Journal Trip

Everything you need to know about sailing, liveaboard, and boat tips in Komodo

Sailing in Komodo Cruises Labuan Bajo with Kids – Revista

Sailing across the beautiful Komodo is very fulfilling, but it’s gonna be more rewarding when done with the beloved kids. At where nature is best kept in its pristine condition, kids would benefit lots of meaningful lessons unavailable at school. They will also love the chance to escape from boring daily routine and travel to further places where their peers don’t. Bringing the kiddos to adventure, however, needs special attention, particularly when you are onboard. Here’s simple simple tips to keep the holiday fun and enjoyable during a sailing trip on Komodo cruises Labuan Bajo.

Komodo Cruise: Indonesian Traditional Phinisi Revamp | Notredame

Labuan Bajo becomes travelers’ hot list in this pas decade, and Komodo cruise begin to be a sought-after luxury. It’s hard to not love the vessel. Inside the well-polished wooden structure, you can relax in its comfy loungers while the cruise is taking you to the lair of notorious Komodo dragons. Passing series of beautiful islets wrapped in clear blue ocean and staring to the horizon. A voyage in the frontier made so much easier with fancy facilities the cruise offers.

A Daring Honeymoon in Komodo Cruise | Pasqueles

Secluded villas and beautiful beach houses often pop to mind when you are thinking about honeymoon. But what if you can take the romantic seclusion game to the next level? What if you can walk into different pristine beaches everyday? You hear it right. Welcome to Komodo cruise, where a sunny honeymoon dream come in the rawest form.

Plunge with Komodo Diving Liveaboard in Labuan Bajo | Djerou

Rugged and wild. Forgotten from the world yet is very well kept by the conversation status. Famous by its title, the land of the dragons, the Komodo region in Flores is a promise of adventure and undisturbed vacation in the midst of tropical setting. The jewel of Lesser Sunda Islands is also happened to perched right in the heart of coral triangle, which make the lands below the waves is equally interesting as it is above, if not more. The waters here is a meeting point of two currents and is extremely rich in plankton, boosting rich marine diversity which make it as a paradise for any divers in the world. And if the incredible marine attraction is on your list, there’s simply nothing better than a Komodo diving liveaboard for a dive trip planning.

Feeling Tired? It’s Time for A Trip with Komodo Liveaboard | Pictalopro

Picture this. You are sailing leisurely on a polished wooden boat, under a clear blue sky. Below you is bright aquamarine sea with chunks of reef rocks dappled along the shallow shore. Between the vast, empty seas, a group of civilization-free islands rise abruptly from the body of the water. Golden savannah vegetation covered most area of these rugged terrain, giving away a beautiful hue of beige with the powdery white beaches that lines the little island. Combined, they form a spectacular panorama of what looks like remains of the Lost World. That is the Komodo National Park. A brilliant haven that’s completely remote from the rest of the world. A travel sanctuary free from rows of umbrellas beach and touristy development.

Avoiding Burn Out During Sailing in Komodo Boat | ResortselvagemResortselvagem

Sailing with Komodo boat is awesome. You get uninterrupted scenery of Komodo’s wonderful landscape, you wake up every morning just to be greeted by the crystal blue ocean, and have a week full of adventures. It’s hard to feel bored when you are too busy to dive, hike, and sharing exciting stories with other passengers. However, these excitements of sailing trip eventually cast a drawback upon your body. Despite all the fun, you would probably get burn out, especially after passing a day or two. Before you know, your body will get super tired—not only from all the excursion activities, but also from socialising with the group. Don’t worry. That’s something absolutely normal. Here are several things you could do when you started feeling burned out. 

Green Travelling with Komodo Cruises Labuan Bajo | Schoolvolunteersnyc

Being the only place on the world where you can see the last dragon roaming in the wild with unparalleled natural scenery on the surrounding, Komodo has become one of the most-sought destinations for many travelers. But the Komodo dragons won’t be the only thing. Located in Komodo National Park archipelago, Labuan Bajo, Flores, this far-flung destination offers beautiful sailing trip which will last a lifetime. Indonesian modern schooner “phinisi” boats are common choice to travel within the park and taste the beauty of each island. Among these choices, Komodo cruises Labuan Bajo stands among the best choice—and also a great place to practice green travel. You know, to help Komodo stay as pristine and as wild as it firstly found. 

Travelling Komodo Cheap & Sound: Backpacking with Komodo Liveaboard Budget

Much like the Galapagos island, Komodo is a sailing trip kind-of-trip. Means that you have to embark on a boat for a set of days, sail from one island to another, sleep and eat on the boat, and practically have that liveaboard experience. With the growth of tourism, now Komodo has developed a range of liveaboard boats to embark on. From extra luxurious until the cheapest Komodo liveaboard budget, you have it all. But now we’re not talking about taking the most basic liveaboard to have a budget-pressed adventure. We gonna talk about how you can have affordable Komodo exploration and still enjoying your holiday to the most.

The Good and Bad of Sailing in Komodo Cruise | Pcattendancesystem

Komodo cruise is arguably one of travelers’ favourite to experience the Komodo National Park. Hidden from modern civilisation in remote frontier, the national park is comprised by chains of small islands in which traveler absolutely need a boat to roam around. However, Komodo has a lot of boat options and it’s not limited to cruisers. From fisherman boats, budget liveaboard, to luxurious phinisi, you have it all. Of course, cruisers sits on top choice, and here are pros and cons of renting a cruise in Komodo.

Komodo Cruise: The Hidden Costs | Chuyenthumuaphelieu

Have you dream of luxurious tropical vacation? Voyaging in the vast sea with only blue waters in surrounding you from every direction and a tropical inspired-cocktail in your hand? Oh, how idyllic it does sound, to be away from all worldly affairs, to be “deserted” in a remote, gorgeous frontier, within the comfort of luxurious facilities. For such dream, the Komodo National Park of Flores, Indonesia, emerge as one of the best candidate for isolated tropical gateway where the nature is raw and beautifully preserved, and the tourists are few. With islands to hop and sea to cross in the national park, it’s only natural if you turn to Komodo cruise for the best value. Cruisers covers all the major expenses of travelling—all the lodging, meals, and entertainment expenses rolled into one bill. 

How to Rock Your First, Komodo Cruises Labuan Bajo Trip, Solo | Djerou

It only take one hour and fifteen minutes flight from the famous Bali to Labuan Bajo, the land of lost world and Komodo Dragons. A small fishing town in Flores, Easten part of Indonesia, Labuan Bajo is well known for its Komodo National Park—a national park comprised of a string of islands and vast water bodies where more than 20 dive sites lie beneath the waves. This is the place where you would meet some of Indonesian finest phinisi—locally known as Komodo Liveaboard or Labuan Bajo cruises—and have one of the most thrilling sailing holiday. Even when you are alone. Here, I would share some insight on how to make your first solo trip with Komodo cruises Labuan Bajo rock!

How to Plan a Liveaboard Labuan Bajo Trip with Friends - Ganfafa

Planning a trip with friends is never easy. Let alone arranging a group trip with Liveaboard Labuan Bajo in Komodo's frontier. Find the tips here

Revealing How Much Komodo Liveaboard Budget Actually Cost | Massautomation-global

Located in the south eastern borderline of Indonesia, the Komodo National Park of Flores region arise as a new raw holiday destination for the wanderlust who are looking for adventures out of the beaten path. It’s the only land where the ancient Komodo dragons roams freely in their wild habitat. This isle is home for rugged savannah hills, pink beaches, undisturbed shores, and marine life-rich waters! You can easily spending a week exploring this remote beauty. Hopping from one island to another, diving the lively ocean, and just taking a time off on the boat. Though the Labuan Bajo has plenty of liveaboard choices, sometimes we want the best of both. A good liveaboard that could give you a lifetime memories and won’t break your wallet to enjoy it. And for the most of us, Komodo liveaboard budget remains as the best options. 

4 BIggest Mistakes in Labuan Bajo Cruise | Rebuildingcolossos

Sailing with wooden Labuan Bajo cruise to the secluded Flores could feel like a trip from heaven. You’re gonna spend days cruising the blue ocean, relish in delicious Indonesian delight, and wander in the most pristine beaches in earth. However, this cruise sailing trip could also be a trip from hell if you do these rookie mistakes. But worry not. We have covered anything that could potentially lead your precious holiday into a disaster.

Serious Things to Consider on Komodo Sailing Trip - Thuyloi4a

Komodo sailing trip sounds like a perfect plan to spend summer! However, not people knows the risks of sailing in a boat, no matter how luxurious it is.

4 Things to Ask Before Choosing Komodo Liveaboard | Purfectlychic

Spending a summer holiday sailing with Komodo liveaboard in Komodo National Park, Flores, would be superb. Awesome. Eye-opening. The comfort of the boat itself, however, plays a huge part at creating an enjoyable vacation. You don’t want to pick the wrong one. Make sure to asks these questions before booking any liveaboard in Labuan Bajo, Flores.

Growing Confidence for Kids Surf Lessons | Kallierossskincare

Surfing is that kind of sport that offers excitement, constant challenges, and laid back lifestyle all rolled in one package. Once you try surfing, it will constantly consume your mind. You will always thinking about riding waves, the next technique you want to try on, reading the winds, and more. And having your kids sharing the excitement definitely feel amazing. While surfing is fun to watch in the eyes of kids, however, it could be quite discouraging for these little explorers. Teaching kids surf lessons the wrong way could potentially grow their resentment to the sea—as well as your surfing hobby—instead of joy. Rolling the kiddos to surf camps for kids is a great idea to introduce them into the fun of surfing. But first, you have to grow their confidence on the sea, and this is how. 

Five Possibilities You Can Have in Komodo Diving Liveaboard | Northbaycorvettes

Komodo diving liveaboard is almost mandatory in Flores, where the marine life is so rich you’d feel like diving in world-size aquarium. The trip also come with lots of opportunity that would turn andy diver’s eye green

Travelling Solo in Liveaboard Labuan Bajo | Massautomation-global

For all you know, you cannot just launch a backpacker solo trip to Komodo just as you did in other cities. Destinations in Komodo National Park—which cover islets, beaches, dive sites, sunset bat show, and many others—are wide spread within the park. Thanks to Komodo’s archipelagic state, there no way you can hop from one island to another by yourself. You need a liveaboard Labuan Bajo to get you around, and for many backpackers in budget, this means resorting to a guided tours. Well, unless you decide to charter the whole liveaboard Komodo, which we don’t really recommend if you are on budget. So here’s a little picture of how to have solo trip in Komodo with Liveaboard Labuan Bajo

Komodo Boat Charter Service to the Kelimutu Lake! | Seguridadconjusticia

For everyone who was born before the 2000s, you must be familiar with Indonesian old IDR 5000 bills that featured a picture of the three-colored lake on one of the sides. As a kid, we always wondered if that’s really possible and curious to witness it with our own eyes. Although it was hard and expensive to reach the island back then, nowadays there’s a lot of simple ways to visit the lake and one of them is through the Komodo boat charter service.

Every Steps to Take to Have Komodo Island Trip | Kamloopsweddingcakes

The Komodo National Park has constantly raising as one of the most popular destination after the famous Bali and its neighbouring Gili and Lombok. Travelers, bloggers, and divers alike flocks to this isolated islands to experience raw and wild adventure. To meet the legendary, last Komodo dragons on earth. A holiday in secret beaches and sunbathing in rare, dreamlike pink sands. To hike in some of the most Jurassic-looking island in the world for a dramatic view of volcanoes, jagged landscape, and dry grassland contrasting with the blue shades of the Indian Ocean. Komodo Island trip has captured the heart of many and will continue to do so. Here are the steps you need to take if you are interested to arrange your own. 

How to Turn Your Rigid Inflatable Boat into a Business Venture

Are you a boat owner looking for new ways to make money on the water? Look no further than your rigid inflatable boat! Discover how to transform your boat into a versatile business tool with these expert tips and tricks.