Listly by Anita Sig
First is to recognize your unique stress symptoms, second to create your stress reducing plan and third to increase your stress tolerance.
There is no one size fits all when it comes to stress tolerance but good nutrition, exercise, regenerating activities and a sound sleep are essential to us all for increasing our stress tolerance. These should be our top priorities when things get rough to uphold our productivity levels, health and well-being.
Stress carriers are highly infectious and infect others with their stress like any other disease carriers.nbsp You probably know the type, constantly stressed out about some issue that hasnlsquot even developed into a problem or the one who is always angry, backstabbing or gossiping.nbsp Perhaps you know a paranoid boss
If setting goals ever becomes just another item on your to-do list, and all you feel like doing at the end of the day is zone out in front of the TV, you may want to remind yourself of all the fun-filled activities that boost your energy levels.nbsp
Wanting To Be Productive We thrive on stress, we love being productive and we do not necessarily want to slow down our life and participate in this relaxation we find so boring. We are leaders, we...
Stress is a part of our lives and there's no getting around it. But as much as we all live with it, many of us misunderstand some of the basics about stress and
Here's the scenario: There's a deadline looming. My mind is racing. If I don't get this done there will be consequences! My mind goes through the worst-case outcomes. I start to panic. I feel like I might explode. I need to sit down and focus on the task at hand, but I can't possibly ...
Even if you’re an active athlete, you probably still have to spend hours each day at work, usually sitting with your hands on a keyboard. Taking frequent breaks over the course of the workday helps you avoid tightening up, hardening into tension that accumulates around your shoulders and neck ...
When you feel scattered, out of sorts, or things just don't seem to be going your way it is always best to stop and do a grounding exercise to reconnect your energy with Gaia. This is an easy to follow guided meditation to help you find relaxation and reconnect your energy.
Volunteer in your society for stress-relief and happiness. Research show that helping others outside your circle of family and friends is a critical factor in your satisfaction with life.
Your optimal maintenance to relieve stress and restore energy levels isn't necessarily the same for partners or friends. For some it could be listening to classical music and for others it might be playing soccer. What is yours?
A 45 minute hypnosis from Jody, Listen at bedtime and allow your subconscious to absorb the message.
Here are 35 ways to take a 5 minute break and get your entrepreneurial mojo back.
Your breath and your mind have an intimate relationship, if your breathing is fast and shallow ...
Nature and sunlight provide us with beauty, energy, vitamin synthesis, and clean, fresh air. In nature we have chance to relax and release our stress to the open air. Below are a few ideas to get you into the natural flow of things. The list is by no means exhaustive, only some really simple ideas that can easily get you started.
Discover eating well - with healthy recipes, healthy eating, healthy cooking, healthy diet recipes, weight loss recipes and healthy menus from EatingWell Magazine.
These foods will calm your nerves better than a pint of ice cream ever could!
A Chicken Skillet This dish was born from my research of foods and scents with stress reducing effects. I found that chicken is a great source of tryptophan, which can help you sleep better and da...