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Updated by Scott Scanlon on Sep 20, 2024
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Recommended Digital Resources for Online Marketing via @YouBrandInc

Marketing today involves tools... and oftentimes tons of them. Knowing which tool is trusted and will deliver is the key to successfully running your business without going insane (trust us, we've almost been there a few times). So the list that follows here are services, tools, and platforms we currently use or have used and recommend.

Curation Traffic - WordPress Curation Theme and Plugin

Our awesome WordPress Content Curation platform. It makes curating push button simple and has been designed to convert. You’ll also get access to our Curation Mastery Training. *end shameless plug

WordPress | ThemeForest

ThemeForest files for download in: WordPress

Optimize Press | Pro Internet Marketing Tools

OptimizePress is a unique WordPress theme that gives you the ability to create conversion optimized Squeeze Pages, Sales Letters, launch pages & more


Convert more visitors to subscribers than ever before with OptinSkin, the premium Wordpress plugin for smart bloggers.

Coming Soon, Under Construction & Maintenance Mode plugin for WordPress

SeedProd is the Ultimate Coming Soon, Maintenance Mode & Under Construction plugin for WordPress.

s2Member® | A powerful (free) membership plugin for WordPress®

s2Member® | s2Member® is a plugin for professional WordPress® membership management, integrating seamlessly with User Roles & Capabilities for WordPress®.

Web Hosting, Domain Names, eCommerce -

Bluehost - Trusted by Millions as the Best Web Host - 24/7 USA-based support. Free 1 click installs for blogs, ecommerce, and more. Get a website with a free domain name and superior speed.

Managed Hosting for Smart Websites | ServInt |

ServInt managed hosting offers VPS, dedicated and cloud solutions to meet the needs of small-to-medium enterprises.

Affordable Online Legal Forms at LegalZoom

Get legal forms for everyday legal matters at affordable prices. Experienced attorneys create, review and update our downloadable forms and provide simple instructions for use.

Curation Suite™ - Content Curation Platform for WordPress

Curation Suite is the most complete content curation platform you can find for WordPress. Works with any theme and any plugin you have.