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Updated by Jessa Mae Buenaflor Curiano on Sep 12, 2023
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"The Most shocking coincidence that you never know that exist"

"Here are some Most shocking coincidence movies I've watch in the past."


The cars that found each other

The cars that found each other

In 1895, in the state of Ohio, two cars collided. The peculiarity of this particular accident is to be found in the fact that during this period, automobile production was only just beginning to take off, and there were only these two cars in all of Ohio. Unfortunately, at that time automobile accidents still weren’t documented, and so the official records of this case haven’t survived.
Sources:, allfunandgames


Almost like reincarnation

Almost like reincarnation

Enzo Ferrari, who founded the Ferrari company, died in 1988. About a month later, the footballer Mesut Özil was born. Looking at their portraits, you could be forgiven for thinking they’re twin brothers. Is this a case of reincarnation?


Is this another evidence of time travel?

Is this another evidence of time travel?

Jennifer Lawrence is a spitting image of a silver age Egyptian actress Zubaida Tharwat.


A premonition of the Titanic

A premonition of the Titanic

n 1898, 14 years before the sinking of the Titanic, fantasy writer Morgan Robertson wrote the novella Futility, which told the story of a ship that was sunk — and which bore the name The Titan. But it wasn’t just the name where we can see an eerie coincidence. Both the fictional and real ship were described as unsinkable, had similar technical characteristics, lacked a suitable number of lifeboats, and collided with icebergs in the North Atlantic.
After the sinking of the Titanic, the book was republished with the title Futility, or The Sinking of the Titan.


Neighbors living in different centuries

Neighbors living in different centuries

The famous composer George Handel was a neighbor of famous guitarist Jimi Hendrix — admittedly, they were separated by two centuries. Handel lived in London at 25 Brook Street, whilst Hendrix lived for a time at 23 Brook Street. They were both incredible musicians who had a major influence on the development of music in their respective eras.
Source: andelhendrix


The Tragedy on the Hoover Dam

The Tragedy on the Hoover Dam

One of the first people who lost their life during the construction of the Hoover Dam was George Tierney, who died on December 20, 1922, when carrying out preparatory work. The last person to die during construction was Patrick Tierney — George’s son. He also died on December 20.