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Updated by Rombis Cleaning LTD on Oct 15, 2019
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House Cleaning Dublin

Professional Residential Cleaning Services Near You

Dirt comes in the way of your house's comfort. It makes the surfaces look dilapidated, ruining the ambience the interior space. Those stains on the walls, floors, countertops, and even on your favourite furniture, distort the colour patterns that had blended together. Add to this the stenches that are generated by decaying organic residue, from the washrooms, to the food particles in the nooks and crannies of the kitchen. As the gunk builds up over time, it makes the interior space appear chaotic. These are certainly not the conditions you want to live in. What’s more, the soiled environment is a haven for pathogens. The microbes crawling around put your health and that of your loved ones at risk. This can all be taken care of by scheduling a house cleaning session for your residence.

Apartment Cleaning
We employ cutting-edge apartment cleaning equipment. These get rid of the water stains on your sink faucets, those urine and limescale deposits in the toilet bowl, the pet fur and dander that is buried deep in your carpet, to the food and drink stains that are riddling your living room floor, and even the soap scum that is on your bathroom surfaces. The wine coffee and tea stains, ink blots on the surfaces, skin flakes and blood spots caused by cuts and nicks are all eliminated from the affected areas, restoring the elegance to your apartment. The highly efficient machinery, coupled with the professionalism of our crew, ensures that the task is done fast, to restore normalcy to your home.

House Cleaning Dublin
Our services cater to the different kinds of residential establishments- from cosy cottages, luxurious manors and villas, the open floor plan- ranch style- houses, the expansive farmhouses, holiday log cabins, bungalows set up in the suburbs, and townhouses that are right in the heart of the city, all through to the architectures drawing their inspiration from various time periods, such as the 15th to 17th century Tudor styles with their grouped windows and masonry chimneys, Baroque architecture that became the late 17th century, Georgian buildings influenced by Roman architecture, and even those that take after designs from the Victorian era where the emphasis was more on the beauty of the homes.

End Of Tenancy Cleaning
With the hectic nature of the moving process, the chores involved with the cleaning will just pile onto your troubles. There's plenty that needs to be covered, from dealing with the skirting boards, switches and even those cobwebs that have been spun on the ceiling corners, walls, sinks, mirrors, the fireplace and rubbish bin, to the shower screens, curtain rails, upholstery, water closets, plus appliances like the oven and freezer. What's more, failure to accomplish it to quality standards will risk you forfeiting part or the whole of your security deposit. You don`t want things going down that road. Have it done right by calling up our end of tenancy cleaning experts.

Once Off Cleaning
We have structured the pricing of our services to be easy on your wallet. In addition to being affordable, the cleaning costs also account for the particular situation you are in, considering factors such as the square footage of the area being worked on, plus the carpets, upholstery, and appliances that you want to be cleaned.

House Cleaning Dublin

Office Cleaning Dublin - Once Off Office Cleaning Services In Dublin

Office Cleaning Dublin

Affordable house cleaning services in Dublin. Rombis Cleaning specialise in once off office cleaning services. Top results guaranteed and very reasonable prices. If you are looking for small or big office cleaning contractors, we are the right people for you. You can book our office cleaning services online.

Office Cleaning Dublin

Once Off Cleaning Services - Apartment & House Once Off Cleaning

Once Off Cleaning Dublin - Book Online

Your home should have a clean feel and a polished look. You should be able to lounge back on your sofa without erupting into a bout of coughs as soon as you hit the cushions, or take a night's rest in your bedroom without being disturbed by nasty odours. You should be able to enjoy a hot shower after a busy day from work, without cringing at the site of grime that`s covering the bathroom walls and floor. The chaos in the kitchen, and the grease splatters on the walls, to the stains on the floor, make a chaotic setting that takes away the mood which you need to prepare delicious meals. From the living rooms to the dining area and even the exteriors, your home should be elegant. Thats what our house cleaning team is here for.

Apartment Cleaning
The latest in apartment cleaning technology is used for working on the various sections of your home. Specialised gear is employed for the unique areas, from dusting tools, power washers to blast grime off your exterior surfaces, scrubbers to dislodge the grime, hot water extraction machinery for the carpeting and upholstery, waterfed pole systems for cleaning the windows, all through to microfiber tools, scrapers, plus the cleaning agents themselves. The solutions that are incorporated in the process deliver tough cleaning action. dissolving the grime that has caked onto the surfaces, and those stubborn stains that were ruining the decor. Odour neutralisers are also used, getting rid of those foul smells in the interior space.

House Cleaning
Each residence receives proper care from our house cleaning team. From the townhouses that are a common style in urban areas with their row setups and side hallways, the Tudor style homes that originated in England and are designed with roofs that are steeply pitched, those homes with arcaded porches and arched corridors-getting their inspiration from the Spanish churches that missionaries used to build in the early 20th century, Victorian architecture where homes are more complex with their asymmetrical shapes, large porches and bright colours with emphasis on beauty, to the cottages that come with curved entryways and brick-front walkways, plus bungalows and farmhouses -we cover them all.

End Of Tenancy Cleaning
Will you be soon leaving your rented property, and the thought of handling all those cleaning tasks is frustrating you? From dealing with the furniture and upholstery, the stained and soiled carpet, working on the ceiling to remove the dirt and occasional cobwebs at the corners, the lampshades and other lighting fixtures that are usually disregarded, getting to the carpet and scrubbing it to remove the spots caused by food and drink spills, the laborious oven cleaning as you work to get rid of the grease that has been baked onto the interior surfaces, to cleaning the windows and bathroom surfaces, there's plenty that needs to be done. Avoid the workload by letting our end of tenancy cleaning experts take care of it all for you.

Once Off Cleaning
The systems and processes used by our once off cleaning team ensure that the process goes on as scheduled. They will arrive at your residence in time, and work expeditiously, delivering quality results in moments.

Once Off Cleaning Dublin

End Of Tenancy Cleaning Dublin - Eco House & Apartment Cleaning

Specialist House Cleaning Services You Can Count On

Your house should be a source of pride. After spending all those resources acquiring it, installing the flooring, furnishings, electronics all through to the draperies to set the ambience that meets your hearts desire, you should be able to enjoy it all. No doubt you also want a residence that you can confidently host guests in, including showing off to those ever-critical in-laws when they drop by for a visit. A place that will soothe and relax you the moment you walk through the front door. One where you will be able to raise a happy family in. The state of cleanliness has a huge impact on this. When there is gunk and grime all over, it takes away the charm of the residence. Restore your home to its elegance using professional house cleaning services.

Apartment Cleaning
There are all kinds of dirt that need to be got rid of- from the dust on the curtains, carpets, and furniture the dust mites crawling all over feeding on the dead skin cells, fur and dander left behind on the upholstery by your pet, contaminants like cigarette smoke that have been absorbed by the fibres, to the food and drink spills that leave behind unsightly stains. Allergens like pollen grains wafted into the building, the colonies of bacteria that are feeding on the organic matter and putting the health of your loved ones at risk, plus pests like fleas that can have been brought into the household by your furry friend- a thorough carpet cleaning session will enable you to restore high hygiene standards in the premises.

House Cleaning
Our professional crew will handle your house cleaning needs and deliver quality results each time. from Prairie designs with their horizontal lines and organic architecture, the Tudor Revival homes with their tall mullioned windows, half-timbering and herringbone brickwork, the French Provincial homes picking after the 17th century manors, and even the Storybook houses that seem to have been pulled right out of fairy tales, plus Gothic Revival designs with their steep gables and pointed arches, to Craftsman architecture that incorporates deep eaves, gabled roofs and exposed rafters, and Spanish Colonial Revival homes that draw their inspiration from the missions and pueblos of the West, our services are available across the board.

End Of Tenancy Cleaning
When dealing with the end of tenancy cleaning, you want to ensure that the stringent terms of the rental agreement are met. The different sections of the house need to be clean and ready for inspection. This will determining how much of your security deposit you will get back, and whether or not there will be disputes. Hiring the end of tenancy cleaning professionals will ensure that things get to run smoothly. You also don`t want to carry dirt and grime into your new residence. You are getting a fresh start, so you'd want to move with clean belongings- from your furnishings to the appliances. With a thorough end of tenancy cleaning, you get to have the results you desire.

Once Off Cleaning
Our goal is to win your satisfaction, and this spans from delivering quality results to ensuring that the services are provided at convenient rates. In addition to being affordable, the once off cleaning services are also tailored to suit your individual situation, with issues such as the number of rooms, the size of the floor space, the carpets and upholstery involved, plus the appliances that need to be cleaned being factored in.

End Of Tenancy Cleaning Dublin

House Cleaning Dublin - Eco House Cleaning From Only 130 euro!

House Cleaners Dublin

Dirt in your house comes in the way of everything. Those stains dotting the surfaces of your home, plus the odours hanging in the air, take away your peace of mind. Spending quality time with your kids or significant other becomes difficult when there are grime spots dotting the residence and demanding your attention. Those nagging thoughts at the back of your mind- how the house is in a mess and needs to be attended to as soon as possible- prevent you from catching a decent nights rest. Even hosting guests becomes an issue, since you don`t look forward to answering those embarrassing questions about why your house is a mess. Your reputation gets affected, and relationships get strained. Change the course of things by calling the house cleaning professionals.

Apartment Cleaning
You want quality results delivered fast, and our personnel comes to your premises with the tools to make that happen. Modernised systems and tough acting cleaning agents are used to get rid of those stubborn dirt spots on your countertops and floors, flush out the soiling that is buried deep within the carpets fibres, remove the soap scum on your bathroom walls, and bring back the sparkle to you porcelain throne. The efficiency of the equipment used, coupled with the high skill level of the apartment cleaning crew, cuts down the amount of time taken.

House Cleaning
Be it a home whose design has been influenced by Roman architecture such as the Georgian-era styles with their high ceilings and panelled doors, those that are inspired by the decorative tastes of the Victorian era, and feature aspects like terracotta tiles, bay sash windows and even multi-coloured brickwork, Tudor style homes or those with Dutch colonial architecture, the farmhouses with their open floor plans, or bungalows in suburban estates, manors that exude wealth, the log cabins that serve as holiday getaways, and even the mobile houses such as is the case of the truck-drawn caravan, our house cleaning team will give it a thorough clean.

End Of Tenancy Cleaning
Are you an outgoing tenant looking for end of tenancy cleaning services as per your rental agreement? Are you a landlord or letting agent looking to get the property cleaned after the current tenants have moved out, in preparation for new ones to come in? Our services are here for you. We cover the entirety of the property, from the work surfaces in the kitchen, the fixtures and shelves, sinks and taps, the furniture in the living room and bedroom, carpeting, the walls and hard flooring, the bath and shower areas, extractor fans, plus the interior and exterior sides of the windows, all through to appliances like the oven, fridge and freezer, washing machine and dispenser.

Once Off Cleaning
We apply green cleaning measures to restore the glamour to your establishment without posing a threat to the biodiversity in your home, or Mother Nature as a whole. The product and systems get rid of the dirt and grime, but leave no chemical residue behind. In addition, they are safe to use around the kids and pets in your household

House Cleaners Dublin

Apartment Cleaning Dublin - Apartment Cleaning Services From 120 Euro

Apartment Cleaning Dublin

The state of cleanliness of the house has a direct impact on its decor. What sight greets you when you walk through the front door? When there is dirt covering the floors and walls, stains on the carpet and countertops, dust coating your fan and lighting fixtures, and even odours emanating from your upholstery and bathrooms, it ruins the appeal of the residence. Moreover, the pending workload can be frustrating. You want to be able to relax, not spend hours scrubbing through stubborn stains on the hard surfaces, scrapping at the baked-on grime in your oven's interior, and scouting from one dealership store to the next looking for the machinery that can be used to deliver deep cleanings to your carpets and furniture. Calling in the house cleaning professionals will take the load off your back.

Apartment Cleaning
The dirt and grime in the residence is putting your family at risk. Take for instance the bacteria, living off the organic matter riddled all over the furniture in the living room, carpets in the bedroom, the countertops and sinks in the kitchen, to the toilet bowl and flush handles. Did you know that there could be 100,000 more bacteria crawling around in your kitchen sink than in your bathroom? While the taps and handles in the bathroom clock around 50,000 bacteria per square inch of surface, the kitchen tap reaches over 230,000. Then there are allergens, from the dust mite faecal residue, to pollen grains and pet fur dander. Add to this contaminants such as cigarette smoke particles. You don’t want your loved ones being exposed to this. Professional apartment cleaning services will enable you enhance the hygiene of your household.

House Cleaning
Our domestic cleaning services are diverse. They cover the different kinds of houses, from modern styles drawing from the designs from the 1950s to the 1980s, the newer contemporary styles that emphasise on use of sustainable and natural components, those that take one back in time- such as the Gothic Revival residences using 19th century architecture, or the French Provincial houses that are designed after the 17th century manors, to Tudor style that has its origins in England, to the Storybook architectures that borrow on the whimsical elements in fairy tales, such as the mismatched doors and windows, and structures like cobblestones, to the calm log cabins out in the woods where owners spend their vacations.

End Of Tenancy Cleaning
The check-in deposit given to your landlord or letting agent is your money, and you deserve to get it back at the end of your tenancy. However, for this to happen, you need to ensure that the property is in the condition that you first found it in when you received the keys and signed the rental agreement. The state of cleanliness of the leased space is a top reason for most of the security deposit disputes. You don`t want to deal with such hurdles while gearing up for the relocation. Your plate is already full with handling different aspects, such as the packing and transport of the move, giving notifications to your utility and insurance companies, all through to clearing up with local organisations that you were part of during your stay. Leave the end of tenancy cleaning to the professionals to ensure that quality results are obtained, that will enable you get back that security deposit.

Once Off Cleaning
A clean earth and clean home go hand in hand. You want to get rid of the dirt and grime without causing harm to the environment. As such, the once off cleaning products and systems that are used adhere to the set EU regulations on environmental sustainability. It's a green clean.

Apartment Cleaning Dublin

Commercial Cleaning Services Dublin - Rombis Cleaning LTD

Commercial Cleaning Dublin

If you are on the market for a professional commercial cleaning company, check out Rombis Cleaning Ltd. We are providing commercial and industrial cleaning services since 2007. Our company owns powerful commercial cleaning equipment and we have the manpower to contract any size commercial cleaning contract. Just send us an email and we will be happy to quote for free.

Commercial Cleaning Dublin

School Cleaning Dublin - Once Off School Cleaning Services In Dublin

Rombis Cleaning Ltd Provides Professional Once Off School Cleaning Services Since 2007. We Are Easy To deal With, affordable & Reliable. Book Online

School Cleaning Dublin

Carpet Cleaning Dublin - Eco Carpet Cleaning Services For Less

Organic And Eco Carpet Cleaning Services For Very Affordable Rates. Industrial And Commercial Eco Carpet Cleaning Services In Dublin. Book Online

Eco carpet cleaning services for affordable costs. Prochem carpet cleaning technology and Craftex carpet cleaning shampoos. Book our amazing carpet cleaning services online. Prices starting from only 30 euro

Carpet Cleaning Dublin

Upholstery Cleaning Dublin - Organic & Eco Upholstery Cleaning Services

Upholstery Cleaning Services For Affordable Prices. Premium Prochem Upholstery Cleaning Technology & Craftex Upholstery Cleaning Products

Low cost upholstery cleaning services in Dublin. Eco cleaning products

Upholstery Cleaning Services

Floor Cleaning Dublin - Expert Floor Cleaning Company - Book Online

Industrial And Domestic Floor Cleaning Company In Dublin. Fully Insured Floor Cleaning Specialist. Prices Starting From Only 150 euro

Kitchen Cleaning Dublin - Commercial Kitchen Cleaning Services Dublin

Commercial Kitchen Cleaning Services In Dublin. Once Off Commercial Cleaning Services For Very Reasonable Prices. Free Estimates Guaranteed!

Rombis Cleaning Ltd provides commercial kitchen cleaning services only. We deal with a number of pubs, restaurants, hotels,catering companies, etc

Commercial Kitchen Cleaning

Power Washing Dublin

Local Power Washing Company With Over 12 Years Experience. Industrial And Domestic Power Washing Services. Footpaths, Walls, Decking, Fences, ETC

Low cost power washing services in Dublin. Fully insured power washing company with over 12 years experience. Book our amazing services online. Free estimates for commercial power washing services & domestic power washing projects

Power Washing Dublin

Window Cleaning Dublin - Reach & Wash Window Cleaning Service

Commercial And Domestic Reach And Wash Window Cleaning Contractor. We Deep Clean Windows With Pure Water And Brushes. Eco Window Cleaning Services

Commercial window cleaning services for very affordable prices. Reach & wash domestic window cleaning services from only 50 euro. Have your windows cleaned by one of the most recommended window cleaning company in Dublin

Window Cleaning Dublin

Contract Cleaning Dublin - Professional Contract Cleaners Dublin

Highly Recommended Contract Cleaning Company Based In Dublin. We Are Happy To Contract Any Size Contract Cleaning Project. We Are Fully Insured

Industrial Cleaning Services - Premium Industrial Cleaning Services

Book Our Amazing Industrial Cleaning Services Right Now. Heavy Duty Industrial Cleaning Equipment And Fully Trained Industrial Cleaners

Fully insured industrial cleaning company. Book our top of the range cleaning company and have your industrial cleaning project cleaned by Rombis Cleaning.

Industrial Cleaning Dublin

House Cleaning Brennanstown - Eco House Cleaning Company

Professional House Cleaning Company With Over 12 Years Experience. Specialist End Of Tenancy Cleaning & Once Off Cleaning Services

House Cleaning Brennanstown
House Cleaners Brennanstown
Apartment Cleaning Brennanstown
Apartment Cleaners Brennanstown

Premium end of tenancy cleaning with eco friendly cleaning products

House Cleaning Booterstown - Once Off Cleaning Specialists

Deep Cleaning Services From Rombis Cleaning. Fully Insured House Cleaning Specialist. Prices Starting From Only 130 Euro. Book Online Now

House cleaning Booterstown
House cleaners Booterstown
Apartment cleaning Booterstown
Apartment cleaners Booterstown

Deep ens of tenancy cleaning & once off cleaning services

House Cleaning Bluebell - Low Cost Once Off Cleaning Services

Low Cost House And Apartment Cleaning Services In Bluebell. Local Cleaning Company With Over 12 Years Experience. Eco Cleaning Products

House cleaning Bluebell
House cleaners Bluebell
Apartment Cleaning Bluebell
Apartment Cleaners Bluebell

Local end of tenancy cleaning specialists

House Cleaning Beaumont - Low Cost Once Off Cleaning Services

Eco House Cleaning services Starting From Only 130 Euro. Low Cost Window Cleaning, Carpet Cleaning, Floor Cleaning & End Of Tenancy Cleaning

House cleaning Beaumont
House cleaners Beaumont
Cleaners Beaumont
Apartment Cleaning Beaumont
Apartment Cleaners Beaumont

Heavy duty end of tenancy cleaning services

House Cleaning Ballymun - Cheap House Cleaning Services

Low Cost End Of Tenancy Cleaning. Low Cost Once Off Cleaning. Expert In Deep Cleaning Services. Book Our Cleaning Services Online

House cleaning Ballymun
House cleaners Ballymun
Apartment Cleaning Ballymun
Apartment Cleaners Ballymun

Cheap deep house cleaning services & apartment cleaning services.

House Cleaning Ballymount - Once Off Cleaning & End Of Tenancy Cleaning

Local House Cleaning Company. Fully Insured House Cleaning Company In Ballymount. Low Cost Residential Cleaning Specialist

House Cleaning Ballymount
House Cleaners Ballymount
Apartment Cleaners Ballymount
Apartment Cleaners Ballymount

Professional end of tenancy cleaning services in Ballymount

House Cleaning Ballyfermot - Apartment Cleaning From Only 130 Euro

Cheap House Cleaning Services In Ballyfermot. Book A Light Cleaning Service Or A Deep Cleaning Services. Eco Cleaning Products

House Cleaning Ballyfermot
House Cleaners Ballyfermot
Cleaners Ballyfermot
Apartment Cleaning Ballyfermot
Apartment Cleaners Ballyfermot

Low cost end of tenancy cleaning specialist

House Cleaning Adamstown - Apartment Cleaning Adamstown

House And Apartment Cleaning Services In Adamstown. Fully Insured Professional House Cleaning Company With Over 12 Years Experience

House Cleaning Adamstown
House Cleaners Adamstown
Apartment Cleaning Adamstown
Apartment Cleaners Adamstown

End of tenancy cleaning services for reasonable prices

House Cleaning Ballycullen - Book a Deep Clean From Only 130 Euro

Quality House Cleaning Services In Ballycullen. Local Cleaning Specialists With Over 12 Years Experience. Fully Insured. Highly Recommended

House Cleaning Ballycullen
House Cleaners Ballycullen
Apartment Cleaning Ballycullen
Apartment Cleaners Ballycullen

deep & light end of tenancy cleaning services

House Cleaning Ballsbridge - Local House Cleaning Company

Professional House Cleaning Specialist Ballsbridge. Expert End Of Tenancy Cleaning And Once Off House Cleaning Services. Book Our Services Online

House Cleaning Ballsbridge
House Cleaners Ballsbridge
Apartment Cleaning Ballsbridge
Apartment Cleaners Ballsbridge

Highly recommended end of tenancy cleaning company in Dublin