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Updated by snagaraju-pnp on Oct 05, 2018
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Navaratri Puja

The word Navaratri means ‘nine nights.’ During Navaratri, we worship the goddesses Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati, in that order for three days each. The most important day is the 10th day, Vijayadashami. The word Vijayadashami means ’10th day of victory.’ I will tell you the significance of this festival.

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We worship goddess Durga because she is shakti – strength. This is meant to help us think about our positive inner selves. We worship goddess Lakshmi because she gives wealth and prosperity. She basically symbolizes positive qualities that are useful for overcoming your negative qualities.

The reason we worship Saraswati is because she is the embodiment of knowledge. For this worship we put our books, musical instruments and anything that gives us knowledge on the platform before god to show our respect for these tools of knowledge.