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Updated by Pradeep Sinha on Oct 04, 2018
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What to do before Facelift Surgery?

Like any surgery, a facelift surgery involves a lot of prior planning before undergoing surgery which can help to ensure you have a smooth recovery that leads to your best results.


What to do before Facelift Surgery?

Like any surgery, a facelift surgery involves a lot of prior planning before undergoing surgery which can help to ensure you have a smooth recovery that leads to your best results. A person who is undergoing facelift surgery understands that they will not look like teenagers. Prior deep sleep is very important for Atlanta face lift. Candidate should well rested before the face lift surgery. After the surgery patients could not able to drive by themselves home. therefore They should arrange for transportation to and from the treatment center with a friend or family member. Patients should allow for adequate healing time and expect some postoperative swelling, numbness, and skin discoloration for about two weeks. The candidate should quite the smoking at least for two weeks following surgery as well. Blood thinners like ibuprofen and Vitamin E slow down your body's process of making clots. It should also be avoided during this time. To minimize the risk of infection, Patient's Hair should be washed thoroughly the day before facelift surgery. Alcohol or any kind of drinking should be avoided the night prior to the procedure. These should be followed precisely to ensure a successful recovery period. However, the recovery and healing time should be taken into consideration before undergoing this cosmetic procedure.