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Updated by gordonspowers on Oct 04, 2018
Headline for 'Power to the People!' - Gordon Powers Electricians
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'Power to the People!' - Gordon Powers Electricians

Are you looking for reliable fully trained electricians in Sydney?

Here's some things you didn't know our electricians are capable of doing!



What YOU didn't know that Electricians could do!

What YOU didn't know that Electricians could do!

There is no doubt that licensed electricians are essential to any new, old, existing and damaged building. They are the equivalence to doctors for our homes. They can identify, diagnose, repair and fix any electrical problem. Electricity plays a major part in our daily lives, connecting us to things and people. Nearly everything that we own is related to electricity in one way or another. That is why electricians are so important. But how many of us know what a licensed electrician is really capable of?

1) Security camera installation —  Not only can they install security cameras for your home, office and building, but they will strategically position them so that your valuable assets and property is secured.

2) 24/7 emergency service —  No electricity is a major problem for any business. Productivity and revenue are deceased as a result. Get a qualified licensed electrician to your site today!
3) Home electrical inspection** — It is better to prevent than to cure. Find out if there are any electrical faults in your home. Not only will this protect your family from a major catastrophe, but also save you money from major repairs.

4) Switchboard upgrade — Changing your main switchboard may be the last thing on your mind. But it is important that your switchboard is up-to-date and capable of providing electricity to your daily appliances such as washing machine, hairdryer, computer etc.

5) Dimmer installation/repair — Having a faulty dimmer can be dangerous. A licensed electrician will be able to repair or safely replace it with a reliable new one.

6) LED installation — An electrician will be able to recommend cost-effective LED lights that will reduce your energy bills. Their professional installations will make your home look seamless and elegant.

7) Chandelier installation/repair —  It is important to let a qualified electrician take care of your chandelier installation. It is an expensive mistake should you incorrectly install it yourself and cause injuries when it falls down.

8) Power surge protector — Protect your electronic goods and your family from a sudden power surge. Including a power surge protector in your home will save you money and prevent unpredictable damages.

9) Phone line/ADSL installation/repair —  Having your phone line or internet cut off is bad for your business. This literally translates to a loss of customers and leads. If customers can't connect to you, they'll look for another business. Get your phone line repaired immediately to resume business.

10) Outlet installation/repair — An electrician can provide you with the flexibility and freedom to use the powerpoint outlet anywhere in your home, provided that it follows the government's rules and regulation.

11) Ceiling fan installation — Keeping cool in the summer in Australia can be expensive. Running the air conditioner 24 hours only adds significantly to your energy bill. Try installing a ceiling fan next time! It is also safe when there are kids present.

Gordon Powers is a reliable and superior electrician company in Sydney that is available to service you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We believe that no one should be left without electricity. Our emergency electrician services can often be a lifesaver in difficult situations. The attentive staffs at Gordon Powers will always be happy to talk to your electrical needs on 9199 7480.


Gordon Powers - POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

Gordon Powers - POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

Gordon Powers is a leading electrician company in Sydney with decades of experience. We work 24 hours a day to ensure that your electricity is up and running constantly. Our emergency services are quick and reliable. Contact us today!!


Don't be without electricity! Get our Qualified Electricians on it!!

Don't be without electricity! Get our Qualified Electricians on it!!

[Gordon Powers] is a leading electrician company in Sydney with decades of experience. We work 24 hours a day to ensure that your electricity is up and running constantly. Our emergency services are quick and reliable. Contact us today!!


Efficient & Cost-Effective Licensed Electrician!

Efficient & Cost-Effective Licensed Electrician!

[Gordon Powers] is a leading electrician company in Sydney with decades of experience. We work 24 hours a day to ensure that your electricity is up and running constantly. Our emergency services are quick and reliable. Contact us today!!


Reliable. Fast. Level 2 Electrician

Reliable. Fast. Level 2 Electrician

[Gordon Powers] is a leading electrician company in Sydney with decades of experience. We work 24 hours a day to ensure that your electricity is up and running constantly. Our emergency services are quick and reliable. Contact us today!!