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Updated by Nicko Gibson on Jul 24, 2019
Headline for Music Playlists on Youtube etc.
Nicko Gibson Nicko Gibson
17 items   16 followers   4 votes   639 views

Music Playlists on Youtube etc.

Playlists of music videos you can find online.
Add your own playlist if you wish. But make sure it's a Playlist Link, not a single video.


Best Video Game Music - Orchestral and Classical Soundtracks

Classical soundtracks made for certain videogames - This playlist is updated and curated by Tubeblogger

Video Game Trance/Techno Music

Trance, Techno and Club music from various video Games.

Techno / Trance Classics - Party like it's 1999

Trance, Techno, dance music and Music Videos.

HipHop Instrumentals - Playlist

Kickass playlist made for Freestyle to these instrumental beats. Check out more music on the Music section of TubeBlogger

Confessions of a Creative Junkie: Confession #37 - Playlist #4

Today's confession is my "start of summer" playlist. If you haven't heard these songs before you're probably living under a rock and are totally missing out. You'll find me signing or cutting a rug to all of them! Check em out! And don't forget to use my favorite music app, Spotify, to listen to them!

Important Music - Comedy

Very important music videos. Some are weird and bizarre some are actually really cool. Poop music - welcome to the weird side of youtube

Epic Soundtracks, Classical and Orchestral Music

Epic music from movies and video games.

Christmas Music Collection

Festive christmas music from around the world. A cool playlist for the holidays.

Oriental Mixtape - Music

Asian songs, remixes, and inspired music - Some japanese some indian some chinese some arabic

Peaceful Forest - Chillout

A chillout music playlist to relax or study to.

Happy Music & Joyful Soundtracks

Just happy tunes. A lot of music from Ragnarok and some other games.

Folk Music, Different

Old school, folk music,& 'not really sure what genres so I'll put them here'

Hip-Hop Mixtape 💯

A YouTube Mixtape - Some of my favorites.

Hip-Hop Around The World

Hip-Hop and rap favorites from artists all around the world.
You're sure to find something new in this playlist.

Rock & Roll & Electro Playlist

Best of Rock, and some more fav tracks. I have pretty weird taste tho.Some oldies and some stuff from video games, RagnaRock remixes etc.

Arcade Mixtape

Maybe some familiar tunes.
High BPM arcade style music mostly video games BGM (background music) and some, OST (original soundtracks) Remixed.
From old school nintendo, atari, playstation. And some more recent.