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Updated by Dorothy Hyde on Jan 09, 2019
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Distracted Driving: Hands-Free Texting Is Just As Dangerous As Typing, Study Shows

It may be possible to establish that the driver was “distracted” even if he or she resorted to the hands-free method of texting prior to the accident. Consult with Dallas car accident attorney from the Law Office of Dorothy Hyde to speak about your particular case. Get a free consultation by calling at 214-883-1700 or fill out this contact form today.

Distracted Driving: Hands-Free Texting Is Just As Dangerous As Typing, Study Shows

It may be possible to establish that the driver was “distracted” even if he or she resorted to the hands-free method of texting prior to the accident. Consult with Dallas car accident attorney from the Law Office of Dorothy Hyde to speak about your particular case. Get a free consultation by calling at 214-883-1700 or fill out this contact form today.

Determining Fault After a Car Accident in Texas

If you’re being sued for injuries in a car accident and worry that you may be at fault, a Dallas car accident attorney at the Law Office of Dorothy Hyde can help protect your rights. Keep any negative information you gave your insurance company or police on the scene from being used as evidence against you by calling us for a consultation as soon as possible at 214-883-1700.

Is Uber REALLY Reducing Drunk Driving Accidents And DUI Arrests?

Uber was introduced to the world as a convenient way to get a ride no matter where you are and no matter what condition you are in. So it would make sense if Uber actually reduced the number of DUI arrests and drunk driving accidents, right? Have you been in an Uber accident or any other accident in Dallas or elsewhere in Texas? Contact Dallas Uber accident attorney from law firm to schedule a free consultation. Call at 214-883-1700 or fill out this contact form.

Open And Obvious Naturally Occurring Conditions: Do Texas Property Owners Have To Warn And Protect Against Those?

If you slip and fall on someone else’s property in Texas, you have a right to seek compensation for your slip and fall accident injuries. But what happens when the dangerous condition that caused the accident is actually open and obvious and/or naturally occurring? That’s where things get rather confusing, Contact Dallas premises liability attorney from the Law Offices Of Dorothy Hyde to make things easier to understand.

Virtual Reality Product Liability: Is It Possible To Sue Manufacturers Of VR Devices For Injuries?

One of the biggest concerns of safety advocates regarding the use of virtual reality devices is that their long-term physical and psychological side effects have not been studied yet. However, there have been multiple worrying reports indicating that people are actually putting their health at risk and are getting injured due to VR devices.Do not hesitate to contact Dallas product liability attorney at the Law Offices Of Dorothy Hyde get a free consultation.

Six People In Critical Condition After A Stop Sign Ignored

We all know that impaired drivers are a problem on the roadways. Anyone who makes the choice to drink and get behind the wheel is putting other people’s lives in serious jeopardy. They become a danger to other people on the roadway as well as those near the roadway. They should be held responsible for their actions. Some drivers are distracted by their phones at the time of an accident.

Speeding and reckless driving are a problem and put people into situations that they lose control of. Injuries from vehicle accidents can quickly cause medical bills to pile up. If you find your loved ones in this situation, consult with experienced Dallas car accident attorney, for a free consultation .

Can You Sue For Medical Malpractice If Your Plastic Surgery Went Wrong?

Basically, a plastic surgery went wrong means that you paid tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to improve your looks, love life, and/or career, and ended up with more financial, physical, and emotional damages than you were before the procedure. But those with botched plastic surgeries end up anything but attractive and desirable.

In fact, many of them lose work opportunities and see their careers go up in flames as a result of botched cosmetic surgery procedures. If you have become a victim of a botched cosmetic surgery, consult with a Dallas medical malpractice attorney as soon as possible to find out about your legal options to recover damages.

Dallas Motorcycle Accident Attorney! The Law Office of Dorothy Hyde

Reckless drivers can really cause harm to motorcyclists. A vehicle driver who is impaired by drugs or alcohol, or is driving while distracted, is much more likely to strike a motorcyclist. Their negligence can have life-changing consequences for a motorcycle owner.These injuries can cause long hospital stays and extended rehabilitation. If you need a motorcycle accident attorney in Dallas, turn to the experienced team at The Law Office of Dorothy Hyde. She will fight to get you the compensation you deserve.

Pedestrian Accident Attorney Dallas | The Law Offices Of Dorothy Hyde

When you are walking, we know you take steps to stay safe by walking in areas designated for pedestrians and crossing streets at appropriate spaces. Pedestrian accidents are often another driver’s fault. Injuries sustained in a pedestrian accident could mean major surgeries and long recovery times, meaning missed work and an inability to lead a normal life. If you are struck by a vehicle, the first focus is getting the medical attention you need and you may need a pedestrian accident attorney in Dallas. The experienced team at The Law Office of Dorothy Hyde is ready to fight for you.