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Updated by Samrat Bhattacharya on May 17, 2013
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seo for everyone

How the Google Removal Tool Can Keep You In The Doghouse - YouMoz | SEOmoz

We’ve all read various stories of fellow SEOers and Webmasters and their attempts to clean up penalties from Google. Some have been successful, while others haven’t. For us, the process has been a nightmare.

Simple Secrets for Instant Traffic Gain through Link Building Services by Birendra Mohan Bhattacharjee

Link building is not merely adding up of backlinks in great numbers. You may not achieve satisfactory result in search engines by the same activity alone. There has to be appropriate activities

Tips for Effective Content Creation to Benefit Online Business

Effective content creation is a creative process to turn it into a useful entity. It should be able to incite interest in the reader, which prompts immediate discussion on the issue. It also helps in brand building and creates access to achieve authority in the topic.

Marketing On A Shoestring Budget - Yes, You Can Do It Successfully

It is always tough to settle down in a market for the small online business owner because of the resource crunch. If you are consistent enough in creating a buzz in the online, you can expect potential results.

Marketing is a Combination of Imagination, Application and Understanding of the Situation

Marketing is the process of identifying the right solution of problems of customers so that a product or a service is accepted unquestionably or graciously. You need to give importance to three factors.

Worthy Content Begets Fresh Audience for Your Website by Birendra Mohan Bhattacharjee

You findthat reputed blogs have a huge following because they offer worthy reading onrelevant topics on a regular manner. It is the key to the success of the blog that provides vivid descriptions...

Every Marketer Should Be Technical | SEOmoz

There's been a lot of talk of roles like growth hackers, marketing ninjas, and technical marketing in the past year. Regardless of whether or not you subscribe to these labels, technical skills combined with marketing tactics are creating the most desirable and productive individuals in our industry.

Everything You Need to Learn About Blog Comments and SEO | Business 2 Community

A few years ago, the comment fields on blogs often resembled a land mine field of spam. For every genuine comment, there were at least 3 more hawking

Remarketing As A Branding Tool For B2B

Branding in B2B search engine marketing is a constant topic for debate. All B2B marketers realize that online brand awareness and recognition is extremely important, and most marketers already promote their brand via PPC campaigns and organic optimization programs. To increase the effectiveness of your efforts, I also recommend implementing remarketing. A short B2B remarketing [...]

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Introducing Data Highlighter for event data

At Google we're making more and more use of structured data to provide enhanced search results, such as rich snippets and event calendars, that help users find your content.

SearchCap: The Day In Search, December 12, 2012

Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Google Updates SafeSearch Filter In Image Search Google has changed the default behavior of their image search to work similarly to how web search works. Now when you search for less [...]

Using Brand Building Strategies to Improve Link Building | Kaiserthesage

Link building has changed a lot these past few years, especially this year when Google has rolled out its anti-link spam update – better known as the Penguin update. These changes have given birth to an era where different ideologies

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Webmaster Tools verification strategies

Verifying ownership of your website is the first step towards using Google Webmaster Tools. To help you keep verification simple & reduce its maintenance to a minimum, especially when you have multiple people using Webmaster Tools

10 Tools and Tutorials For Creating Childlike Illustrations in Photoshop » Design You Trust – Design Blog and Community

There are many things you can do using Photoshop. You can create a logo, a website layout, a mobile application interface, or just make beautiful and complex works of art that take viewer’s breath away. It is a program that has both personal and practical applications, which has caused it to rise in popularity toContinue reading »

Top 10 Ways to Build Backlinks to your Blog | Blogging Tips Today

Blog post at Blogging Tips Today : As a blogger, you should have heard about backlinks and its importance, but if you have not, let me do a quick recap of what backlinks are.

Link Building Blog - What Would Visitors Want to Read in a Post?

If you do not know the specific answer of this topic, you are merely wasting time in writing a blog post which also is not appreciated by visitors.

6 Reasons - Why Should Your Website Must Have a Blog

Blogging has changed the concept of internet marketing. We can see the effect on visibility, ranking and traffic.

How to Write the Perfect Blog Post - Beginner LevelAries Jobs

Blogging requires a lot of hard work, how to write the perfect blog post, improving search impression, takes time in research to gain desired goals.

Vital SEO Factors for 2013Tech N Techie

It is not possible to give the exact SEO trends for 2013 and hence the word “Probable” is used in the title. The

What is the Benefit of Blog Commenting - Top 6 Causes You Need to Know Technical and Non-technical

This document is presented by Linkboostup, the company offers blog commenting service for small business owners and helps improve organic rank. For more details

Payment Gateways for eCommerce solution in India

eCommerce software has bright future in India. Now Indian merchants are launching their business online. Many Indian shopping cart companies are offering user friendly eCommerce platforms with 100 of features built in. Launching an online store has become an easy operation these days.