Listly by Tierney Hurst
I am a Ball State student studying Mathematics Education. I have created this listly to help organize articles that will help me with examples and guidance of my future classroom. There are 8 different categories to this list, all of which have multiple article links with a description of the link underneath.
Reading Comprehension Strategies in Secondary
Content Area Classrooms
This sources talks about how teachers sometimes skip over basic reading comprehension skills because they are already on a crunched timeline to get students prepared for standardized testings. Molly K. Ness goes into detail about how teachers are able to implement reading comprehension strategies in their classrooms while not taking time away from the other content they are needing to teach throughout the year.
Effects of Combined Strategy Instruction for High School Students
The author talks about how multiple strategy instruction helps students develop higher quality cognitive skills that carries over to more than just one subject. When different comprehension strategies are applied in the classroom, students are able to grasp bigger ideas in more detail in the texts they are presented with.
Making meaning in Mathematics Problem-Solving
This articles talks about the application of comprehension strategies in math word problems. These strategies help students develop summarizing skills, and since word problems can be complex if you don't know what you're looking for, they are able to sift through information and solve the problem more easily.
Improve Comprehension of Math Word Problems
This video talks about having students write out their problem solving steps so they can identify good strategies and try to tone back the bad ones. This allows students to form better studying skills and learn new skills from their classmates that may make even more sense to them in a later chapter.
The Language of Mathematics
In the article, Paul J. Riccomini talks about how important the understanding of mathematical vocabulary is to young students and how their understanding will be influenced by their early exposure. "Although a common belief with many teachers is that simply exposing students to new vocabulary words through rich context-specific interactions is the best way to teach vocabulary, many students will require more systematic and explicit instructional techniques and purposeful instructional activities to facilitate their learning (Marzano, 2004)."
Vocabulary Support in Middle School Mathematics Classrooms
Without having an understanding of Mathematical Vocabulary, students face almost a language barrier in their classroom. By engaging students in this content area language, students are able to follow along in their lessons with a deeper understanding of what is going on in the lesson and are able to apply it better later on in homework and assessments. This also helps students excel in their future education because they won't be behind when they go on to their next education levels.
High School Math Vocabulary
This source provides students with different lessons that include key terms and concepts that students will see in their math courses. You can choose any grade level you would like by returning to the home page, but for this I choose 9-12 grade levels. There are interactive games at the bottom of the page for students to play after they look through the lessons for them to practice in a fun way of what they just learned.
Teaching Math Vocabulary
In this video, the gentleman (name not given in video or description underneath) talks about the importance of vocabulary in a math classroom and talks parents through ways to help their children succeed while studying at home. He goes through a couple examples of these activities and also shows examples of how math and math vocabulary is used in our everyday world. This video also has Spanish subtitles for any student or parent who would like to read along or uses Spanish in the home as a primary language.
Teaching Math To ELL Students
This video describes what an ELL student is and how, in particular, Math teachers can help these students in their classrooms. Under the video, there is a quiz and a worksheet that helps you understand more in depth what the video is talking about and helps you to understand the process of helping ELL students in the classroom.
Tools for Math ELL Students
This article begins talking about #SupportELL on social media where students can connect with other ELL students. Then there is a chart of tools and practices, with a brief description of each, that students can do at home or teachers can incorporate in their classrooms to help ELL students succeed.
Ells and Mathematics
This excerpt describes common barriers that ELLs have in a math classroom and ways for teachers and parents to approach and help their students/children excel. Then is has examples of strategies students and teachers can use in the classroom so ELLs can recognize areas they may struggle in and how to overcome these struggles.
Word Problem Printables
This source offers many different printable worksheets for teachers to use in their class or for students to work on at home to keep their skills fresh. Many of these involve word problems but also have photos along with the words so it helps to connect what ELLs are reading and what they are trying to solve in the problem.
Inclusive Schools Network
This article offers some helpful diverse strategies and tools to make mathematics more accessible in the classroom. Each bullet gives a few examples of how to incorporate the ideas in the classroom. The article especially talks about how "Mathematics is more than numbers and basic operations; it is a pure logic system and a language all its own, and the discipline that connects all other disciplines."
Varsity Tutors: Aplus Math
There are a few links to other websites that are interactive that students can access on their own that display different ways of learning like flashcards, math games, and even some homework helpers. There are multiple topics that students can choose from. This allows the students to design a study that focuses on their individual needs.
Immerse, Adaptive learning
This interactive website allows students to choose skills they would like to practice and improve on for every grade and difficulty level. Students can even go back grades to brush up on skills so they don't fall behind later on in their lessons in the classroom. Plus, this is accessible for about anywhere once they sign up so they can practice at home or on the go if they would like.
Scaffolded Math Word Walls
This article from a teacher talks about how math word walls have improved the vocabulary and understanding of math terms in her classroom. These walls allow students to design pictures along with the vocabulary that they most connect to and that will stick in the minds the best. Each students can personalize these in their notes if they don't understand what is on the wall and allows them to compare ideas on similar topics.
Fast Formative Assessment Tools
This article gives many tools and resources for teachers to use to get fast feedback from their students. There are online quizzes and games that students can play that will record scores for the teacher so that the teacher can see the understanding of all their students in a fun and interesting way. Even if you do not have access to electronic devices, there are many resources that you can use in the classroom to help see how your students are understanding and what students may need more help with.
6 Types of Assessment of Learning
There are 6 different types of assessments that teachers are able to use in their classrooms. In this article, each is described so teachers can understand how each type of assessment works and if that would be beneficial in their classroom.
Using Assessments to Adjust Instruction
The teacher in this video tells us that she likes to see what students need individual help and how she can divide them up so they can have diverse learning experiences in the way that they can succeed. Using directive teaching after an assessment will allow the teacher to adjust their lessons so the students get the most out of the lesson that they can.
Mathematical Cognition
John Pegg talks about how assessments help the teacher understand more of what their students are absorbing and how they can change their lessons if students are struggling with the curriculum. Students have the capacity to understand more than they think they can and potential to become great mathematicians, but teachers need to understand they are the students guides and models of greatness.
Text-Dependent Questions
Mentoring Minds talks about how students face challenges when homework asks vague questions that doesn't teach or assess understanding or comprehension of the reading. There are a few tips in this article to help teachers diverge from these tough questioning habits. One such example suggests to ask questions that are focused on the wording of the text, not just the vague information itself.
Text Dependent Tasks Through Literacy Framework
This article highlights that almost "90% of the Reading Standards in each grade require text-dependent analysis." One of the problems that come from this is that questions do not implement critical thinking skills or require background information from the students. Students answer in a general way without actually comprehending what they read. This article aims to correct the way these questions are asked in the classroom.
What are Text Dependent Questions?
In this video, Terri Barclay describes the definition of text-dependent questions and how students often answer them. She asks a couple questions such as "what can be inferred from what is being said and from what is not being said?" She is trying to get the point across of asking questions about the text but reading in between the lines to find the try meaning/purpose of the reading.
Close Reading and TDQ
This powerpoint talks about how you can implement close reading in the classroom to tackle some text-dependent questions and increase students understanding of reading. It helps they students to rely on what the text is saying verses relying on their prior knowledge; this helps the students to know how to read difficult articles and how to decipher the text even if they have little to no experience with the topic.
Mathematics Core Standards
Here is a link to the common core standards for each grade. By clicking on the link at top of the page "Download the Standards," you are able to see all the standards for each grade in depth. It also goes into depth with multiple aspects of mathematics and how to achieve these standards in the classroom.
Why the Core Standards Changed
Forbes Magazine (online article) talks about how the standards change when Congress voted to implement new standards in the early 2000s. It even gives an example from the new movie Incredibles 2 about how Mr. Incredible is struggling helping his son with his math homework because processes and standards have changed since he was a kid.
Using Standards to Create Math Curriculum
This video uses a road trip example to explore the purpose of using standards to create math curriculum. It looks into why we use standards and what the end goal is in the education of our students. It also explores so ideas of how to achieve this goal.
Why "New Math" is Really a Good Thing
Kevin Knudson talks about how the new methods in teaching math helps students to develop better problem-solving skills and an all around better intuition of the math they are learning. If we implement these methods properly, students will have a better chance at excelling in not only math, but in all their courses.
The School of the Future
Murray talks about how technology is changing the dynamics of the classroom. The technology that teachers use can help students use many tools that were not available for previous generations. This article talks about the many pros of having the technology in the classroom that benefit not only students, but teachers and even parents.
GeoGebra Math App
This website allows students to download the GeoGebra software for their laptop that allows them to graph multiple functions and see 2D and 3D shapes and graphs. If students don't want to download it, there is a free tool that they can use on this website that will offer tutorials and help with their graphing skills. It also provides classroom resources for teachers that they can use as examples.
Conrad Wolfram: Teaching Kids Real Math with Computers
Conrad Wolfram talks about how computers will allow teachers to connect real world math to the math used in the classroom. This allows students to get excited about what they are learning and with the connections made, they understand the concepts better because they have something they can relate to.
Teachers get a Jumpstart on Integrating Computer Science into Curriculum
This article that appeared in the Wyoming news gives first accounts of teachers who learned at a camp of how to integrate computer science into their curriculum. There are also a few links of the activities these teachers learned during the camp that may help in future classroom and that can benefit teachers across the country.