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Updated by Doug Buenz on Sep 10, 2018
Doug Buenz Doug Buenz
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4 Common Mistakes Home Owners Make

Do you want to sell your luxury home in Ruby Hill Pleasanton? Here’s a list of some common mistakes to watch out for!


1. Selling By Yourself

1. Selling By Yourself

A lot of people think they can save money by selling a home themselves with the help of the Internet. Well, if you think that time is gold, then you’re actually losing a lot of money by doing it on your own!

Selling a home is more than putting that sign on your lawn and posting a few pictures on social media.

Without an experienced agent, you will have to suffer from showing your home to countless people who have zero intent to buy the home. You’ll also burn yourself out by juggling your career, family life, and other obligations on top of the tedious task of home selling.


2. Pricing Your Home Too High

Yes, I know you think your luxury home in Pleasanton CA is great, and you’re probably right. But keep in mind that buyers are always, always after a good deal.

Other homes for sale are only a fingertip away with the technology we have. You have to make your home stand out aesthetically and highlight every reason why this is the best home on the market right now.

Also, when people are at your home, they are comparing it to the other homes they have seen and are evaluating which one is the best deal for their money. It’s a tough game, and pricing your home right is an invaluable way to get ahead of the competition.


3. Expecting to Sell for Your Asking Price

Here’s where we have to strike a delicate balance. We want to price your home low enough to attract buyers, yet high enough to allow room for negotiation without losing money.

Buyers want to feel like they’re getting a good deal. It’s just basic psychology. Allowing them to negotiate the price down will definitely help close the sale.


4. Going Cheap on Listing Photos

You have absolutely no reason to skimp on professional photos. Any and every business knows this.

Buyers looking for luxury homes in Ruby Hill Pleasanton CA check photos of available listings before even making a call. Do you seriously think anyone will be interested in your home if the photos are poorly lit or amateur-ish?

A picture says a thousand words. Cheap photos can make a luxury home look cheap.

Invest in high quality photographs and you’ll see the offers it brings to the table!

Call Doug Buenz at (925) 621-0680 | Sell Your Home and Avoid These Common Mistakes

Call Doug Buenz at (925) 621-0680 now! Do you want to sell your luxury home in Ruby Hill Pleasanton? Home selling can be fun and easy if you follow these foolproof strategies!...