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Updated by Mike Monroe on Dec 05, 2016
Headline for Advice on Successful Bootstrapping
Mike Monroe Mike Monroe
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Advice on Successful Bootstrapping

If you're gonna self-finance your business, make sure you read some of these articles first. Feel free to add your own and vote up your favorites.

Spending Money In The Right Places

This article appears on a software blog, but these Insights and ideas are universally valuable. Make sure to read the 4 criteria when deciding if a purchase is a good use of your (fleeting) money.

5 Tips for Bootstrappers

5 great tips from a kid who started a successful business after graduating from college. Launching with only $200 in his pocket meant he had to do things right the first time. Read this to learn what those things were.

Case-Study: How to Bootstrap your Part Time Business

Starting up a business is a full-time job. So how do you manage it when you already have a full-time job? Here's how a few entrepreneurs managed to do both. An outstanding read that will both inspire and educate.

Creative Ways to Shave Off Costs While Bootstrapping

Nice article with some tangible ways on shaving off the initial costs. When you're first starting out, money burns like tissue paper soaked in gasoline. Read up on these so you don't burn your house down. Tip 3 is huge.

The Ultimate Post on Bootstrapping

If you're even considering bootstraping at all... then stop wasting time and READ THIS ARTICLE, NOW.

7 Tips for Bootstrapping Your Startup

No money? No problem! Here are some best practices for operating your bootstrapped startup. A quick and easy read that makes an exceptional amount of sense.

The ANTI Venture Capital Guide

This whole site is dedicated to NOT working with investors. There is free content, but the 200 page book for sale ($79.95) on creative financing looks like it could be exceptionally useful. Disclosure: I haven't read it and am not an affiliate. If anybody buys the book, please tell us what you think of it!

Business Planning Calculator

A cool little tool. Use the calculator below to find out how much money you need to start your business. More importantly, however, it may reveal some costs that you hadn't thought of initially.

How I Saved

Looking for ways to do more with less? Consider the tactics that some small-business owners have devised to stretch a dollar.