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Updated by mikionlisty on Nov 08, 2018
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Cum revendic un site pe Pinterest? (tutorial) - how to make Pinterest link to your blog (romanian language)

Pentru ca Pinterest să trimită vizitatori spre blogul sau site-ul nostru, avem de făcut câțiva pași care, știm cu toții, sunt simpli după ce îi cunoști. Dacă blogul tău folosește fotografii și videoclipuri, Pinterest poate fi o unealtă utilă pentru promovare online și obținere de backlink-uri de calitate.
Pinterest can be a great source of backlinks for your blog. In the article there is a very interesting and simple turorial on how to make Pinterest link to you.

Vine toamna, începem școala, cum creștem imunitatea copilului? - Puiul Mamii

Ne bucurăm de iminenta începere a anului școlar, dar știm că intrarea în colectivitate ne va aduce și neplăceri: infecții respiratorii, viroze și răceli. Dacă purificarea aerului în casă este o chestiune ușor de rezolvat prin achiziționarea unui purificator de aer, ce ne facem cu imunitatea internă a copilului? Se spune că nu contează mediul în care trăiești, ci rezistența naturală a organismului. Și, precum știm, copiii și bătrânii sunt cei mai predispuși la îmbolnăviri din cauza imunității scăzute.

Mortalitate generală și mortalitate infantilă în România - Punct pe sănătate

Organizaţia Mondială a Sănătăţii (OMS) subliniază (1986) că sănătatea este mult prea importantă pentru a fi lăsată numai practicienilor din domeniul sanitar; educaţia şi elaborarea de politici trebuie să fie centrale pentru dezvoltarea sănătăţii la nivel individual, comunitar şi naţional.

De ce să te uiți la serialul "How to get away with MURDER" - Cafeneaua consumatorului

Dacă ești student la Drept sau doar un wanna-be, dacă te pasionează serialele cu crime, avocați, detectivi, mister, acțiune și romantism, îți recomand serialul „How to get away with Murder” („Cum să scapi nepedepsit”). Personajul principal este avocata Annalise Keating, o femeie de culoare cu o minte foarte complexă, o viață personală zbuciumată și cu o carieră cu suișuri și coborâșuri. În fiecare an, Annalise selectează studenți la Drept care să o sprijine în munca de avocat de drept penal, iar grupul pe care-l selectează în serial îi va schimba viața pentru totdeauna.

Eurocor, lider în cursurile prin corespondență - Monolog pe blog

Dacă vrei obții o calificare nouă, cerută pe piața muncii, dar să studiezi acasă, în ritmul tău, Eurocor este răspunsul corect. Eurocor este filiala din România a Institutului European de Cursuri prin Corespondență care are sediul în Olanda. În țara noastră, Eurocor a împlinit 21 de ani de activitate și peste 350.000 de cursanți.

Sam's theory, a Kindle E-book on Fiction, introspection, mystery in a 24000 words monologue. Read it, you...

Sam's Theory- e-book on Amazon Kindle US. The book uncovers a woman's life after some traumatic events. She suspects an historical conspiracy against her. Is she right or just losing her minds? Fin out reading the book.

The Monster with Chocolate Teeth

Children's E book: The monster with chocolate teeth. Mary, a little girl who loves chocolate, discovers how to defeat the great Monster with Chocolate Teeth. She is helped by her dentist in this unique battle.

Trollmas, a beautiful children's story about a troll who makes a fantastic journey to the North Pole

Trollmas, e-book for children about a Troll and Christmas, can be found and read on The story is adventurous and the illustrations very inspiring.

Having trouble finding your pet? This is a great solution: Tractive, GPS tracking for cats and dogs

We believe that pets and their owners have a special bond. Strengthen that bond by always knowing the exact location of your furry friends, directly on your smartphone.
Reliable. Worldwide.
If your pet is a little explorer who sometimes forgets to come home in time, this is the perfect product for him and for you. With just a touch, you find out exactly where your pet is.

The Shining- mystery thriller novel written by Stephen King. Bestseller

The Shining, written by the master of fiction, thrillers and mystery, Stephen King. A young family moves during the winter in an empty hotel to take care of the building and surroudings. Soon, everything starts to change, from the shape of the trees to mysterious voices or visions of the characters. We find out interesting aspects of their personal addictions, gifts and how they will make through the winter.

Pet Sematary: A Novel from #1 bestselling author Stephen King. It provides a new perspective of losing our dearest on...

Pet Sematary, a novel written by the master of thriller, mystery, Stephen King.
The novel is about a young family who moves in a new city. It all begins with peculiar events, it continues with tragedy, mystery and horror and it ends transforming his reader. It is a must for all who think about life and death.

The First Years American Red Cross Baby Healthcare And Grooming Kit, essential for new mothers, fathers and other chi...

17 piece kit of healthcare and grooming essentials. There is no need to buy them separately and lose lots of your precious time. This kit includes not just grooming items, but healthcare too. Every newborn would be lucky to be cared in such an attentive manner.
The kit is made by American Red Cross and includes a manual for caring for your newborn.

Edgar Allan Poe: Complete Tales and Poems

Edgar Allan Poe- Complete Tales and Poems. He is a great mystery writer. He inspired Arthur Conan Doyle to create the greatest detective of crime mystery novels, Sherlock Holmes.


Photo of an egg in a glass on black background

Photo of an egg in a glass on black background

A photography of an egg in a glass. The found the contrast between yellow and black very beautiful.


Photo of a wooden boat in sunset light

Photo of a wooden boat in sunset light

A blue boat in sunset light, very romantic. The photo is made in Danube Delta, Romania, a couple of years ago. There are many wooden boats in Danube Delta, and this contributes to the charm of the location.

Summertime (Gershwin) - The Pianos of Cha'n

This is one of my favorites piano music. Peaceful, beautiful and catchy. A Transcription of "Summertime" from Gershwin played by "The Pianos of Cha'n" from the album "Inspirations". Sheet Music.

The Old Man and The Sea, a short and powerful novel by Ernest Hemmingway

The old man and the Sea, by Ernest Hemmingway. A great novel about man's fights in life and survival.
An old fisherman is left alone in the middle of a furious sea. Read about his way to survive in this situation.


The Monster with Chocolate Teeth

The Monster with Chocolate Teeth


When Mary, a little girl who plays with her tablet applications, meets the Monster with Chocolate Teeth, she gets very scared. With her intelligence and bravery, Mary finds out the monster's secret. Along with her dentist, Mary will discover a way to make the monster harmless for all children. Moreover, Mary understands the importance of healthy eating and dental hygiene.enter link description here

The Young Pope, a great TV Series about a young catholic pope. An orphan, The Young Pope sees God as an absent protec...

A great series about an unconventional Catholic Pope. Created by Paolo Sorrentino. With Jude Law, Diane Keaton, Silvio Orlando, Javier Cámara. The beginning of the pontificate of Lenny Belardo, alias Pius XIII, the first American Pope in history.
The series is a must watch, no matter if you are religious or not.




Bucharest is the capital of Romania. With great architecture and very populated, Bucharest is the center of cultural life of the whole country. Bucharest is also a touristic destination for people around the world. The city has growing economy and is the richest city of Romania.

10 Amazingly Unique Watermelon Recipes | A Listly List

Great recipes using watermelons! Did you know you can make salsa, popcorn or ice pops using watermelons?
Love watermelons but bored of just drinking the boring juice all the time? Well, here is how you can explore the sweet AND the savoury side of your...

My Top 33 Digital Marketing Blogs | A Listly List

Good to know! 33 top digital marketing blogs and email aggregators subscribed to and routinely read by Jay Baer of Convince and Convert.

Top Tips for Driving Traffic to Your Blog | A Listly List

Want to rise up your audience for a business blog? Read this: Top tips from around the Web on how to drive more traffic to your business blog. More traffic means more prospects, more subscribers, more opportunities.

Tom (from Tom and Jerry cartoons) in his flesh. This cat is so funny. Watch the video

Tom versus real Tomcat r/funny: Welcome to r/Funny: reddit's largest humour depository. If you miss Tom from Tom and Jerry, there he was: a real, powerful and clever cat.

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