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Updated by Stephen Chance on Aug 29, 2018
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Ten Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

Do you have a loved one in a nursing home? It is very important that you know how to identify signs of nursing home abuse and neglect. This list covers ten of the most common indications of elder abuse.


Cuts or Bruises

Cuts or Bruises

Cuts and bruises are often clear indications of nursing home abuse.


Broken or Fractured Bones

Broken or Fractured Bones

Broken or fractured bones may indicate abuse or neglect in a nursing home.


Bleeding or Bruising Around Genitals

Bleeding or Bruising Around Genitals

Sexual abuse in nursing homes may show signs primarily around the genitals. Bruising or bleeding in these areas are often indications of assault.


Sexually Transmitted Disease

Sexually Transmitted Disease

Development of a sexually transmitted disease while residing in a nursing home may indicate assault.


Bed Sores/Pressure Ulcers

Bed Sores/Pressure Ulcers

Bedsores and pressure ulcers indicate neglect. Left untreated, this painful condition may prove fatal.




Infestations like bed bugs or scabies can impact all residents of a nursing home. Failure to deal with these infestations is a sign of neglect.


Dehydration or Malnutrition

Dehydration or Malnutrition

Failure to properly nourish nursing home residents places them at serious risk of harm. Elder patients have specific nutritional needs and, when not met, may suffer terribly as a result.


A withdrawal From the Community

A withdrawal From the Community

Withdrawing from the larger nursing home community may indicate mistreatment. Often, abused or neglected nursing home residents will isolate themselves or become increasingly depressed.


Unusual Anger, Aggression, or Anxiety

Unusual Anger, Aggression, or Anxiety

Victims of nursing home abuse may display aggressive behaviors or develop anxiety. Often, these behaviors will be directed indiscriminately against family, friends, and staff.


Visible Fear or Discomfort Around Staff

Visible Fear or Discomfort Around Staff

Victims of abuse and neglect may seem uneasy around staff - even those members who are not directly responsible for harm.


National Center on Elder Abuse

National Center on Elder Abuse

If you suspect a loved one is suffering abuse in his or her nursing home, visit the National Center on Elder Abuse for help reporting the problem. Talk to an elder abuse attorney in addition to law enforcement to learn how your family can seek justice through the civil court system as well.