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Updated by Nick Kellet on Nov 13, 2015
Nick Kellet Nick Kellet
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How to Amplify Social Sharing : Tools, Plugins, Platforms via #blogchat

ShareThis - Share Buttons, Share Plugin, Share Analytics, Media Solutions

Put sharing to work with innovative sharing tools. Turn sharing behavior into value with share buttons, plugins and analytics for publishers, and media solutions for advertisers.

Sharebar WordPress Plugin | DevGrow

Sharebar adds a dynamic and fully customizable vertical box to the left of a blog post that contains links/buttons to popular social networking sites. For wide blogs, a vertical bar with popular sharing icons appears on the left of your post. If the page is resized, the vertical bar disappears and a horizontal sharebar appears under the post title.

Share Buttons, Sharing Widget, Sharing Plugin - AddToAny

Help visitors share, bookmark and subscribe to your content with Lockerz Share, the world's best sharing platform for websites and apps.

I Love Social Bookmarking plugin ::

I Love Social Bookmarking is a simple WordPress plugin that allows your readers to submit your content to social media services via a clutter-free drop-down list of attractive icons. What are social media services? If ...

WordPress - Sticky Social Bar | CodeCanyon

The simplest way to add a social bar to your blog. Sticky Social Bar turns the hassle of adding, removing, reordering social services buttons into a lot of fun. You have AJAX reordering, drag&d...

WordPress - iShare jQuery Sharing Buttons for WordPress | CodeCanyon

This is a social sharing and bookmarking button for WordPress. It’s powered by jQuery and offers a way to your visitors to share your content with friends on their different social networks. ...

WordPress - Facebook Likebox Slider for WordPress | CodeCanyon

Thank you for choosing Social Slider plugin! The best Social Slider plugin for Wordpress on the market. Easy to install, 3 click configuration, awesome tabs design. Easy way to get more shares, mo...

Social Bookmarking Tool - Social Bookmarking Wordpress Script

Social Bookmarking Tool to help you with Social Bookmarking for Wordpress with easy to use Script. Lets Get Social.

Triberr - The Reach Multiplier | Triberr

Triberr is a website for bloggers interested in increasing their reach.

Atomic Reach

We give brands the power to captivate customers by selecting, publishing and marketing the best social content the web has to offer.

GaggleAMP - Amplify, Analyze and Align Social Media

GaggleAMP is the social marketing platform that lets companies Amplify their social media reach by leveraging individual employees, customers and partners. Using GaggleAMP, companies are able to widely distribute their content and messages while they Analyze the results and Align their social media spend to where the ROI is.

WordPress › « WordPress Plugins

Embed lists in your blog, then share items on your list. Let people jump to the item directly

Explore more. Web pages, photos, and videos |

StumbleUpon is the easiest way to find cool new websites, videos, photos and images from across the Web. We make the best recommendations just for you.

Pinterest / Home

Pinterest is an online pinboard.


Keep, share, and discover the best of the Web using Delicious, the world's leading social bookmarking service.

reddit: the front page of the internet

reddit: the front page of the internet