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Updated by Jure KLEPIC on Mar 30, 2014
51 items   14 followers   9 votes   331 views

Who to Listen in Social Space

Strongly recommend to follow them on Twitter. Some of the most brilliant minds in Social Space Today.

aaron wall - @aaronwall

SEO + U = Win!!!

Adam Singer - @AdamSinger

Googler in product marketing (@GoogleAnalytics). Marketing & tech blogger @TheFutureBuzz. Free time: data geek / music composer.

Amber Naslund - @AmberCadabra

Co-Founder and President of @SideraWorks. Social business strategist. Author. Constructive heretic. Musician. Mom. Intellectual adventurer. Word nerd.

Amy Vernon - @AmyVernon

GM, #SocialMarketing for Internet Media Labs ( #TheLabNYC. #Bacon Queen ( Recovering #journalist.

Andy Sernovitz - @sernovitz

The Word of Mouth Marketing Guy | Author of Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking | CEO of and

Ann Handley - @annhandley

Author. Marketer. Content creator. Cool glasses. Also, I always make myself laugh.

C.C. Chapman - @cc_chapman

Author of Amazing Things Will Happen. Writer / Photographer / Speaker. Working hard to make the world better through creativity.

Chris Brogan - @chrisbrogan

CEO&President, Human Business Works, a business design company. More? . contact:

Christopher Barger - @cbarger

SVP Global Programs @ Voce Connect. Author of The Social Media Strategist. Not a ninja or Jedi. Perspectives and opinions are my own.

Christopher Penn - @cspenn

Director of Inbound Marketing, ninja, PodCamp cofounder, Marketing Over Coffee cohost, speaker, author, marketing professor. More:

Damien Basile - @db

Menswear accessories designer #InfluencerIssues always

Danny Brown - @DannyBrown

VP, Partner Strategy at Jugnoo, Inc. Award-winning marketer and social media blogger. Author of The Parables of Business. Founder @BlogTipsOnline.

Dan Patterson - @DanPatterson

I'm the founding editor of @KoPoint. I'm also a broadcast journalist, technologist, and zombie apocalypse survivalist.

David Armano - @armano

Managing Director @edelmandigital Chicago. Intrapreneur, dad, hubby to @msarmano, contributor @harvardbiz, co-founder #Allhat, biker, & imperfect soul.

Ekaterina Walter - @Ekaterina

Author of Think Like Zuck|Social Innovator for Intel|Trendsetter|Speaker|Connector|Passionate Marketer|Mom|Social Coco Chanel and yes, I tweet w/European accent

francois gossieaux - @fgossieaux

As an author ( & partner at, I am passionate about people, social behavior, marketing, innovation, and economics.

Frank Eliason - @FrankEliason

Formerly @ComcastCares, here I'm simply Frank. Author of @YourService, Director Global Social Media for Citi & board member for @BBB_US & @Socap.

GavinHeaton - @GavinHeaton

Constellation Research Digital Marketing Analyst - based in Sydney, Australia.

Geoff Livingston - @geoffliving

Marketing strategist. Author. Agent for change. Amateur photographer.

Gini Dietrich - @ginidietrich

CEO Arment Dietrich. Author @spinsucks. Co-author Marketing in the Round. Founder @spinsuckspro. Speaker. Avid cyclist. A foodie. Loves shoes & wine.

Glen Gilmore - @GlenGilmore

FORBES Top10 Social Media Power Influencer TIME man of action VID Strategist, Lawyer #PR #Tech

HeidiCohen - @heidicohen

Actionable Marketer shares practical advice on social media, marketing & life. Also, professor, journalist & speaker.

Jason Falls - @JasonFalls

I am the CEO of Social Media Explorer, a digital marketing agency and education products company. I like bourbon. And the Pittsburgh Pirates. Heh.

Jay Baer - @jaybaer

President of a hype-free social and content accelerator firm. Keynote speaker. Co-author of The NOW Revolution. Tequila guy.