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Updated by Jennifer Iacovelli on Aug 19, 2020
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Articles Published Outside of Another Jennifer

My words online and outside of

5 Easy Ways to Give as a Family This Holiday Season | Brightly

Jennifer Iacovelli, author of Simple Giving, shares five easy ways to keep gift-giving simple and meaningful, and give as a family this holiday season.

Rotarian: why Rotary 'is perfect for me' | The Times Record

Jennifer Iacovelli, Rotarian for two years, is from Brunswick and is the director of development for Tedford Housing, the author of “Simple Giving: Easy Ways to Give Every Day” and the proud mother of two boys and one Siberian husky. She recently answered questions about her connection to the Brunswick Rotary Club:

Finding Perspective on World Water Day - Girls' Globe

Post Written by Jennifer Iacovelli Three weeks after I realized my marriage was ending, I traveled to Nicaragua with WaterAid on an insight trip representing Mom Bloggers for Social Good.

WORLD VOICE: Celebrating The Privilege of Clean Water on World Water Day

Today (March 22) is a big deal to me because it is World Water Day. Actually, access to clean water and sanitation is a big deal to me year round.

Nonprofits and Mainers: A Match Made in Heaven

The following article was published in The Times Record on 2/14/2020 and written by Jennifer Iacovelli, Tedford Housing’s director of development.

Giving Voice: Spring cleaning and donations that spark joy 

As a nonprofit professional who handles donations in her organization, I challenge you to use the same method for donating as you would for tidying up with Marie Kondo.

Giving Voice: It takes a community effort to get through difficult times

I am working from home as I write this article, typing away on my laptop in my office. One of my sons is chatting away with his 5th grade “lunch crew” buddies via Zoom, while my other son, a freshman, finishes up baking some sugar cookies.

Giving Voice: Housing people during COVID-19

A week into our second monthlong stay-at-home order, and it’s hard to get away from the news stories about COVID-19. It has affected our everyday life, personally and professionally, in a way that I’m not sure any of us were ever prepared.