A list of people who are reading - or have read - or have a copy waiting to be read - "The Impact Equation" by Chris Brogan & Julien Smith.
The idea for this list popped up during a conversation with Nick Kellet on Skype.
This list may help people connect with others.
Paul O'Mahony (Cork)
Lives Cork Ireland - on Twitter @omaniblog -
Co-Founder of ChangeAgents http://changeagents.ie
I got the book via Amazon.co.uk - first day. Carry it round with me all the time - show it to others - reading it at the speed of lichen...
Roger Overall
One of my three key books to read in 2013. Currently residing untouched on my iPad. It shall be consumed vigorously between 1st January and 31st December and help me become a better Digital Storyteller (www.thedigitalstoryteller.net)
Marketing communications consultant & social media strategist. Live music lover. Organizing committee for @CHEOBBQ & @TwestivalOTT. #140ConfNYC 2012 Speaker.
Marketing guy - Podcaster/Livestreamer - Toastmaster -Poet - Father - Blogger - naturally ambitious & I love to connect. Live in Cork Ireland Europe