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Updated by Matthew Stollak on Mar 13, 2015
2 items   39 followers   2 votes   184.7k views

Crowdsourcing SHRM Speakers - North Central Region

Interested in finding quality speakers for your SHRM Chapter meeting or conference? Check out the list below or recommend new ones to the list. Here is what you need to do: [1] Click "Add to List" [2] Select"item WITHOUT a link" [3] Put the speaker name & Twitter handle/e-mail in the "Item Name" field [4] In the "Item Note" box put a) Topic of the talk, b)date of the talk, c) was it HRCI-certified? If so, for how many many credits? d) Host SHRM Chapter & YOUR contact info; e) Description of session.


Tim Sackett (@timsackett)

Tim Sackett (@timsackett)

a) Social Media
b) October 17, 2012
c) 1.25 General Credits towards your PHR, SPHR and GPR
d) Green Bay Area SHRM - recommended by Matthew Stollak (@akaBruno)
e) presentation focused

*showing you how a small HR shop, or team of 1-2 people, can compete in social recruiting without a huge Fortune 500 budget;

*helping you understand the difference between Facebook Pages and Profiles and how it drives your Facebook recruiting strategy;

*helping you learn how to use rarely understood tools like Facebook Marketplace and Facebook Pay-Per-Click Ads to drive your candidates to your open jobs; and

*helping you learn how to use Facebook search features to locate candidates on Facebook and contact them without looking like a stalker.


Margaret Morford (

Margaret Morford (

a) Leadership and a New Playbook for Strategic Success
b) November 14, 2012
c) 6.25 General Credits towards your PHR, SPHR and GPR
d) Green Bay Area SHRM - recommended by Matthew Stollak (@akaBruno)
e) Are you worried about future talent shortages and turnover in your organization? Are you constantly concerned about retention and productivity? As the labor pool shrinks, employees will examine more carefully the people for which they are willing to work. More and more the type of management that exists within an organization will become the deciding factor for whether the organization will be able to retain its current employees as well as attract new ones. This presentation differentiates leadership characteristics from management characteristics and asks participants to answer eight hard-hitting questions about their ability to lead others and to foster and create leaders within their own organizations. The information will revolutionize thinking about leadership and the way people need to be managed for the future.
• Review of the current employment marketplace as well as a forecast of the employment marketplace trends of the future;
• Discussion of workplace study by Marcus Buckingham and its conclusions;
• Identification of the metrics and defining components of leaders and organizations who excel based on Buckingham’s philosophy and methodology;
• Explanation of difference between management characteristics and leadership characteristics;
• The role of innovation and creativity as a competency for leaders to attract and retain the workforce of the future; and
• Self-Assessment of each individual's current leadership ability and a determination of the necessary personal development needed.