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Updated by maxtara on Aug 06, 2018
Headline for Determining factors to estimate the tattoo removal cost
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Determining factors to estimate the tattoo removal cost

It is quite a normal curiosity among people to know the determining factors of removing a tattoo. Nowadays, almost 50% of people have one or multiple tattoos but that doesn’t mean most of them to want to remove the ink after a while. But it is okay to get an idea of the removing cost. It takes a few sessions to remove a tattoo depends on the type of it. While removing your tattoo, the expert will arrange a consulting session with you to assess your tattoo and categorize its size. What if you want to remove multiple tattoos? A custom price range is available that will fit within your laser tattoo removal budget.

Key factors that determine your tattoo removal cost:

• Your skin type:
To make a permanent tattoo, the tattoo ink always penetrates through the epidermis of your skin. So, while removing a tattoo, the laser must again penetrate through the same area and that too undamaging the top layer of the skin. Your skin tone determines the time period required to penetrate your dermis. Darker skin toned people require a few more sessions to get a satisfactory outcome and thus need to pay extra tattoo removal costs. The disparity occurs due to the higher percentage of melanin presence compared to the lighter skin tone. Also, the darker skinned people are prone to hypopigmentation. So, there remains a high chance to occur side effects. As a result, people having darker skin tone may need to pay extra bucks to achieve a complete tattoo-free look.

• The color of the tattoo:
Colored tattoos require number of sessions to remove and thus it is quite expensive. Some of the colors quickly respond to the leaser treatment whereas the other types of colors take more time to get removed. For an instance, if we consider the black pigments, they are smaller, lack metallic elements and absorb all types of wavelengths. So, they are easier to remove compared to the other colors. Orange, yellow and green – these are the most stubborn colors and thus require extra removal sessions. So, you need to pay more to get rid of a colorful tattoo.

• Location of the tattoo:
The location or position of a tattoo is another key factor to determine the tattoo removal costs. Tattoos are made on the areas close to your heart fade faster than the tattoos made on your other body parts. If you have tattoos made on the head, neck, upper or lower back are easier to remove and thus are less expensive because these areas have a frequent vascular supply.

• Amount of the ink:
The tattoo removal sessions and costs depend on whether your tattoo is a professional one or armature. Armature tattoos require lesser time to get rid of it whereas the professional tattoos require more removal sessions. Armature tattoos have less-density and are placed unevenly on your skin layers. On the other hand, professional tattoos contain higher ink density and the ink goes through multiple layers of your skin. So, if your tattoo is a professional one, you need to spend some more extra time in the removal sessions.

• Tissue and scarring damage:
The primary application of the tattoo may cause tissue damage or scar on your skin, specifically for the darker skinned people. This is the reason why the deposition level of collagen gets increased and thus you develop scar formation. Scarring tattoos require more sessions to remove and they are expensive than the normal tattoo removal

• Cover up and layering tattoos:
Sometimes people opt for the cover-up tattoos to hide an unwanted tattoo. These are normally larger and require more ink. So, as you see, the cover-up tattoos need some extra sessions to achieve a tattoo-free look.