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Updated by Raudensky on Aug 07, 2018
Raudensky Raudensky
6 items   3 followers   0 votes   23 views

5 simple Ways for Marketing your Business on a Budget

We all know, that a small business best Marketing is Word of mouth. But if you reently started your own small Business and no one around knows you, it can get really hard to get some exposure!

Here are 5 Simple Ways to bring more exposure to your Business on a Budget!



Put a Magnet Sign on your Vehicle!

Putting a Magnet Sign on your Vehicle is like a Driving Billboard! Affordable &removable! Vista print has them fully customized and Affordable!

This one might be perfect for Woodworker's! And there are a lot of them out there! You probably know what Coaster's are and you Probably know how to make them! How about making Custom Coaster's and using a Quality Custom Branding Iron to mark your logo and contact info unto the Coasters. Then simply hand them out around Bar's. A lot of exposure and easily affordable! Find out more at



YES! Create an Instagram Account and publish your work! Make sure to use Proper Hashtags and be active!


Start a Blog

People love How-to's or love following People. Create a blog and write about your journey. Someone might be listening!



Try to become Partner's with already successful companies. You can receive some great mentorship and awesome tips on how to grow and market your business!

Quality Custom Branding Irons -

Make. Mark. Repeat. Budget Brandings creates custom branding irons with quality materials and skilled craftsmanship at a competitive price. Our marking products are made to last a lifetime.