Ray and the Sunbeatables®: A Sun Safety Curriculum, created and developed by The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, is available for free at http://sunbeatables.org
Today in the 3 Year Old Room we started to talk about being Sun ☀️Safe, using our new curriculum. We met Ray and his team today. Along with starting a science experiment. Each child colored one of the team members and then taped it to a piece of black construction paper. Then a teacher hung it in the window. What do you think 🤔 the result will be? Check back Monday to find out!
Today the 3 Year Old Room did an experiment that involved a lego tree 🌳 and a flashlight 🔦. We turned all the lights off and the flashlight 🔦 was our sun ☀️. Then we watched the sun ☀️ create shade/ a shadow on the ground. We talked about how playing in the shade outside can help us stay sun ☀️ safe! For art they all got to make a shade tree 🌳 to go along with our lesson.
Yesterday in the 3 Year Old Room we made wide brimmed hats to help protect us from the suns rays. Wide brimmed hats are more protective than a baseball cap because it covers your head, face, neck, and ears.
Today was our last day talking about Ray & The Sunbeatables. We played a game called Sun ☀️ Safe or Not Sun ☀️ Safe. The children had to determine weather a item, be it clothing or sunscreen would keep them protected from the sun. Then they each got a certificate for completing the program.