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Updated by BAEquipmentGroup on Jan 14, 2019
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Top 8 tips for Hydraulic Breaker Care and Maintenance

Rome was not built in a day. You must have heard it quite often, but the real essence of the saying is well understood when in the construction business. There were times when rock breaking was a tedious task with all manual force required to do the job. But with times technology has made everything simplified and quick. Read more at:

Atlas Copco Plate Compactor – Applications and How Does It Differ from Others

A compactor or compressor works as its name. Its main function is to make the soil dense to form a strong foundation. Compactors are mainly of two types: plate compactor and roller compactor. Both function in the same way while holding some differences. Today, we would tell you the applications of an Atlas Copco plate compactor and how it differs from the roller compactor.