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Updated by James Smith on Mar 26, 2025
Headline for The 10 best pet related articles online this week
James Smith James Smith
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The 10 best pet related articles online this week

I came across these really cool articles related to pets this week. Since I have both cats and dogs, I really enjoyed them and I think anyone else would. Vote for those you like!

Easy Simon with a Selfie Too - Brian's Home

You just can’t let the toys get away from you, not even when you are enjoying a nice long Easy. I’ve got them under control. Now for my selfie…

Best Automatic Pet Feeders 2018 with Comparison Chart - Best Automatic Pet Feeders 2017

Your dog or cat could be suffering all the time when you are not at home because it spends the whole day hoping against hope for food, and yet that is never forthcoming. As a pet owner, several days you’ve had to leave your pet with a friend to feed it when you’re out of town. Even worse, every morning your dog or cat wakes you up with cries for food. The best solution is to buy an automatic pet feeder.

Four-Legged Furballs: Caturday Art

Christmas in July, huh? That sounds good right about now. Dad says he wishes he had your doodling talent, and says he always enjoys your wonderful, whimsical artwork. Enjoy your weekend.

Cats are so funny you will die laughing - Funny cat compilation

Cats are simply the funniest and most hilarious pets, they make us laugh all the time! Just look how all these cats & kittens play, fail, get along with dogs...

*Try Not To Laugh Challenge* Funny Dogs Compilation - Funniest Dog Videos 2017

"IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE" Try not to laugh while watching Funny Dog Videos Compilation 2017, The best and funniest dogs videos ever Hope you enjoy watching. If ...

The Twelve Cats of Christmas - http://15andmeowing.com

Our art today is our Christmas card with all 12 of the kitties. Please feel free to take the card. I plan to email it and also mail them to those that signed up for the exchange. If you need cards, I highly recommend groupon. I got mine made at Staples for only $8 for a set of 25 purchased through groupon. ( I am not being compensated, I just like to share bargains).


The cheekiest dogs i know.

The cheekiest dogs i know.
Does Your Cat Hate July 4th Fireworks Or Not? By Clyde, feline editor and author.

By Clyde, feline editor and author with quirky Independence Day/July 4th cat art and practical safety advice from a straight-shooting old black cat. You'd think a hard of hearing cat like me would not mind fireworks, but I hate them. They go off here and there in the neighborhood. KaBoom and startles me because my

Lusmo Automatic Pet Feeder Review - Best Automatic Pet Feeders 2017

The Lusmo automatic pet feeder is a good feeder that has been sold in Japan and recently arrived in the United States. For feeding just one cat or a medium-sized dog on a repeat schedule of 3 times or less a day every week, this pet feeder will suffice.

SUPER WEIRD CATS that will totally CONFUSE YOU! - Extremely FUNNY CAT VIDEOS compilation

Here are videos of super weird cats and kittens that will confuse you and at the end, most important, make you laugh! These cats are so super hilarious that ...