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Updated by Khadija Amatullah on Oct 25, 2015
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Writer's Workbook

Writing prompts, tip, and tools. Resources for writers, bloggers, and publishers.

McSweeney’s Internet Tendency: Thirteen Writing Prompts.
  1. Write a scene showing a man and a woman arguing over the man’s friendship with a former girlfriend. Do not mention the girlfriend, the man, t...
How I improved my writing productivity by 100%

I've been fumbling and stumbling with my writing over the last few weeks and months. I couldn't seem to find my way - I knew what I wanted to write, the idea was fully formed and I was excited about it but the flow wasn't there.

Guide to Writing Competitions, Literary Agents & More | Poets & Writers

Broad Street is an interdisciplinary non-profit magazine featuring the very best that creative non-fiction has to offer in an ever-expanding set of subgenres. At Broad Street, we are creating an intersection where truth-telling prose, poetry, and...

Grammar Girl

Mignon Fogarty is the creator of Grammar Girl and the founder and managing director of Quick and Dirty Tips. A magazine writer, technical writer, and entrepreneur, she has served as a senior editor and producer at a number of health and science web sites. She has a B.A.

7 Ways for Authors to Diversify Their Income

Are you actively diversifying your income? Diane Ziomek said it best: "As an author, you already possess the necessary skills to earn an income writing." Her short, but powerful blog post discusses various ways to expand yourself and create additional income streams as an author.

How to Publish a Free Book on Amazon Kindle (Permanently)

This short tutorial teaches you how to set your existing Amazon books for free without having to rely on their KDP Select program. There are some obvious disadvantages to this tactic, but also great benefits worth mentioning.

Confusing Sentences That Actually Make Sense

Let's face it: Sometimes the English language can be downright bizarre. The plural of ox is oxen while the plural of box is boxes, 'rough' rhymes with 'gruff' even though the two words only have two letters in common, and there are actually more than nine hundred

9 Simple Ways to EARN More by BEING More than "Just a Copywriter" - The Page-Turner Mission

If you're a freelance copywriter who feels like you're EARNING PLENTY, who's NEVER QUESTIONED YOUR WORTH during projects driven by mid- to upper-level (non-writer) executives, and/or who has COMPLETE CONFIDENCE in the value you bring to your clients-then get back to work and stop reading this post.

A great backup when a contract goes belly-up

When it comes time for contract negotiations with a client, there are several clauses you should always include. Late payment penalties are the most obvious, but there are plenty more items that needs to go into any good contract. One important clause you should consider is a kill fee.

How kill fees ruin writers, hurt magazines and destroy journalism -

Just about every journalism contract contains a clause called a "kill fee" that states that if the magazine decides not to run a particular story then it will pay out only a fraction of the agreed upon rate. The writer is then free to sell the story to another publication.

Colons: Here's What You Need to Know | Grammarly Blog

Colons highlight the information that comes after them. In many cases, you can quickly bypass the information that comes before a colon and simply focus on what's written after it. For example: I have one thing to say: I love you. Colons can also be used to

6 Cool Ways to Overcome Writer's Block | Grammarly Blog

Want to write a bestselling novel? Or maybe you're more the screenplay type that wants to go straight to Hollywood. Whatever your writing goals are, sometimes the biggest obstacles between them and you is a nasty case of writer's block. How can you free up your creative

BuzzFeed Emerging Writers Fellowship

With the mission of diversifying the broader media landscape by investing in the next generation of necessary voices, BuzzFeed's Emerging Writers Fellowship is designed to give writers of great promise the support, mentorship, and experience necessary to take a transformative step forward in their careers.

The Richard J. Margolis Award of Blue Mountain Center combines a one-month residency at You may direct any questions about gifts or bequests to the Award fund to: Blue Mountain Center with a $5,000 prize. It is awarded annually to a promising new journalist or essayist whose work combines warmth, humor, wisdom and concern with social justice.

Submit Your Story | Chicken Soup for the Soul

Welcome to the Chicken Soup for the Soul submission form. We're excited you're here, and we look forward to reading your work. We welcome your stories and poems, written in English, from all over the world. We are always looking for new talent, so don't be shy!

" 10 Christian Publishers That Pay ($25-$375) : Freedom With Writing

By Ian Chandler, Freelance Writer Here's a chance to use a passion for faith to advance your writing career. These ten publications are geared toward Christians and accept freelance submissions. These sites cover all sorts of Christian belief systems, from Orthodoxy to Protestant and everything in between, so any Christian writer will find something worthwhile.

If you want to break into the travel writing market, airline magazines are a great way to go. These magazines are constantly looking for quality submissions. The pay tends to be relatively good as well. Here are 5 airline magazines accepting submissions. Air Canada's enRoute Magazine.

" 8 Short Story Publishers that Pay $1,000 or More : Freedom With Writing

The following is a list of publishers that pay $1,000 for short stories. Some of these publishers pay more than that. All of them pay a maximum of at least $1,000 per publication. Included in this list is a variety of types of publications. 1.

" 8 Short Story Publishers that Pay $1,000 or More : Freedom With Writing

The following is a list of publishers that pay $1,000 for short stories. Some of these publishers pay more than that. All of them pay a maximum of at least $1,000 per publication. Included in this list is a variety of types of publications. 1.

Write to the Point | A Very Good Sign

Don t tell them -- show them. | Read more and discover clear, effective writing techniques from WordRake.

Yes, There's a Difference Between Dashes, Colons, and Commas (and No, It's Not That Confusing)

People sometimes ask me about the difference between a colon and a dash since they can both be used to introduce the next part of a sentence. So today we're going to talk about how a dash is different from a colon, and also when you can use a comma in their place.

Submission guidelines - Page One Publishing

Please select a PDF download from the list below.

Mindly: A Simple, Beautiful Mind Mapping App for Writers

Jennifer Mattern I've always loved the concept of mind mapping, but it's not something I've done regularly. It's something I'd prefer to use software for rather than one of my white boards but, quite frankly, I found every solution I came across to be ugly.

INFOGRAPHIC: The 69 Rules of Punctuation

Snoots, rejoice! This handy infographic from Curtis Newbold (view here to enlarge) reduces the rules of proper punctuation to a series of color-coded blurbs. Even the most hard-boiled grammar delinquent is sure to get the message. grammar grammar nerds infographic infographics punctuation