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Updated by DJ Rob on Jul 13, 2023
Headline for DJROBBLOG Pays Tribute To Black LGBTQ+ Musicians During Pride and Black Music Month
DJ Rob DJ Rob
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DJROBBLOG Pays Tribute To Black LGBTQ+ Musicians During Pride and Black Music Month

In recognition of Black Music Month and Gay Pride 2018, djrobblog celebrates by commemorating eighteen black LGBTQ musicians whose sexual identity didn’t stand in the way of their art. Some artists were out publicly, while others lived their lives fully without having to make proclamations - all the while risking their careers and their livelihoods in a society that to this day has a long way to go in terms of equality in the black LGBTQ community.

Scroll through the following list and enjoy this tribute to black artists young and old, living and deceased, male and female...and other.


Josephine Baker

Many artistic works have been inspired by Ms. Baker, who was bisexual and the first black woman to become an internationally known superstar in the 1930s. Her music was mainly French pop, French jazz and cabaret. Books have been written about her flamboyance and her many relationships, which included four marriages to men and a notable same-sex relationship with Clara Smith, a blues singer who rose to prominence around the same time as Baker. The book The Hungry Heart, written by her French-born son Jean Claude Baker, lists six “lady lovers” by name whom Baker bedded. She died in 1975 at age 68.

  • DJ Rob


    Hi, I'm DJ Rob, owner and author of the music blogsite I live in Chicago, IL and have been doing the blogsite since January 2015. It features articles about music news, history and trivia - both old and new. The features I enjoy doing the most are my djroblists. I've done dozens of lists ranking everything from blue-eyed soul singers to Prince's greatest songs. I only recently started converting them to listly to increase interaction with my readers. Take some time to enjoy them and let me know what you think! And check out when you can!

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