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Updated by Hope Smalls on Jun 11, 2018
Hope Smalls Hope Smalls
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"21st Century 6th Grade Learners"

Lesson Plans To help Increase Learning Curve and Boost Students 21st Century Skills.

Lesson 1: What Makes a Leader? |

Students will collaboratively work with group members discussing their research findings about their chosen American Leader, students will use higher order thinking skills to inspect, and determine factual data in order to get reliable information on attributes as to how, and what contributions their person made to society and why they were named a leader.

Your Digital Footprint and It's Future | Common Sense Education

In this lesson, students will learn about digital footprints and their importance. Students will engage in lesson, to get important information and details on how to protect their life path while conducting digital matters via a mobile phone, tablet, iPad, email, text, social media or instant messaging.

Communication Skills: Definition & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript |

Having good communication skills helps to express feelings, emotions, concerns, and many other information that needs to be relayed to others in a suitable manner, In this lesson students will learn different ways communication can be achieved and perceived along with guided examples on how to make sure information is being passed on to others in the way intended. Students will be tested on their knowledge of proper communication skills by partaking in a scenario style quiz at the end of the lesson.

Emotional Intelligence in the Classroom: Activities and Conflict Resolution Skills

With the advances in technology, bullying has become much broader than ever before, thus becoming an alarming concern for schools around the world. Unfortunately, because this trend, can cause serious effects, learning about ways to maintain emotional intelligence in the classrooms can help with this issue. Because some students find it hard to inform school officials of such behavior , or find it hard to get passed the embarrassment of being bullied and prefer to take matters in their own hands either harming themselves or others, this lesson will inform students of how to control those inner issues so harm can be avoided at all costs. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to define emotional intelligence and educate students based on information given in the lesson from conflict examples or personal experiences and ways to overcome situations in order to maintain a healthier classroom environment.

How To Think Outside the Box with Entrepreneurship Lesson Plans

Any students with aspirations of owning a business? Well here in this lesson, students will gain useful suggestions and tips for bringing your dream into reality. Having a plan and good credit goes a long way but with further reading, students find out anything worth having also comes with a price to pay such as motivation, determination, hard work, and a brave heart for taking risky risks.

Global Citizenship Workshop — ACT 4 Global Change

Like playing musical chairs? Well in this lesson, students will move around the room to engage in this global citizenship activity, students will get a glimpse of what future global citizenship goals are, any perceived pros and cons of being a global citizen and past or present experiences of how their lives can or can't relate to what's displayed in the video.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Lesson Plan: The Quandary Game

Want to play a game? Okay listen up, in this game called Quandary, students will work with a team member of their choice and compete with other classmates on problems that arise in the game. Students will gain points for correctly applying strategies to answer critical thinking and problem solving skills quiz questions.

Teamwork Lesson for Learning to Work Together (6th Grade) | A to Z Teacher Stuff Lesson Plans

In this creative lesson, student will find out everything it takes to be a team and exemplify what they learned by standing by their commitment throughout the year. Students will create and display their own unique interpretation and vivid hand description of their artwork to the school, to indicate their understanding of what being a leader stands for.