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Updated by Yoel Ben-Avraham on Sep 20, 2018
Headline for Lean Startup Learning Aides
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Lean Startup Learning Aides

Tools, articles, books, and ideas focused on how to impart the concepts and skills required to create effective Business Models. Intended as a shared resource for workshop facilitators and educators.

Models of Impact

Models of Impact

A Role-Playing and Ideation Game That Simulates The Process Of Launching A
Social Enterprise

One of the most exciting teaching aides I've encountered since Playing Lean!

"Very fun and educating game!"

Playing Lean is the board game that teaches Lean Startup in a fun and engaging way - and in only 90 minutes.

Recommended especially for individuals who already have an acquaintance with Lean Startup but want the opportunity to role play in order to learn how to juggle all aspects of the process more effectively. Think of it as a "Flight Simulator" for Lean Startup!