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Updated by Khadija Amatullah on Jan 24, 2023
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Blogger's Toolkit

Whether your a six figure blogger or just getting started, here are all the articles, tools, and resources you need for building your blog better.

7 Blogs Every Blogger Should Follow

Blogging is not easy... but it doesn't have to be hard. You can take the work out of blogging and make your blog work for you.

How to succeed at starting a blog | SteamFeed

Time and time again, I am approached by people with questions about starting a blog. But (and I say a big but) often times these questions have a hidden meaning, and their true reason for being asked comes out later in the conversation. What am I talking about you ask? People asking me tough

5 Tips On How to Choose Your Blog Name | Grammarly Blog

Guest post by Yohana Petrovic So, you've decided to start your own blog! But before you can start writing and engaging with your readers, there is one hurdle that you have to jump: giving your blog a name. Choosing the best title for your blog is a very tricky thing.

I knew I was Going to Succeed! Creating a Successful Blog | Bucket List Publications

When I first started Bucket List Publications a year ago, I knew that it was going to be a success! I am driven; I am passionate; I am a dreamer and I do everything in my power to make those dreams...

50 Premium WordPress Themes Under $50

In my business, at home, at work, and in my online efforts, I'm always looking for ways to save and conserve. I love finding great deals. The only thing that excites me more than a good price is good quality.

First Blog Post: 15 Tips For New Bloggers |

This list of 15 tips for new bloggers is still relevant after nearly 3 years. It's about perseverance, tech, creativity, and community. Add your tips, too!

Do it Yourself Blogging or the Self-Help Blogger | MikesFilmTalk

I’m sure that a lot of people blog when they can. Just like writing a book, screenplay, or even a short story we have to write regularly. Every book or article I’ve ever read says the s...

The Little Big eBook on Blogging: 40 Traffic Generation Tips

The Little Big eBook on Blogging: 40 Traffic Generation Tips - Kindle edition by Cendrine Marrouat. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Little Big eBook on Blogging: 40 Traffic Generation Tips.

10 Examples of Killer Blog Titles that Drive Massive Traffic

Need to work on writing better blog titles for your content? It could be the difference between writing great blog content that no one sees, or creating a massive swarm of traffic to your site.

11 Common Blogging Mistakes That Waste Your Audience's Time

When your audience gives you their precious time, you must give them value in return. Here's a few common blogging mistakes you might be making.

Organize your resources in an online binder - LiveBinders

LiveBinders is your 3-ring binder for the web, create an online binder for content curation

Be A Blogger: Create a Blog Schedule (FREE Printables) -ohksocialmedia

Alright, so we've talked about why you need a blog, we've established how you get one started, and now? Now I'm going to tell you how you can create a blog schedule so you can build your readership and successfully blog and provide you with the tools to get it done!

How To Use Hashtags: The Do's and Don'ts of hashtags

Hashtags are such a prominent part of tech culture today that it's rare to find anyone who doesn't know what they are. In fact, the hashtag is so recognized that it was added to the Oxford dictionary in 2010, and the Scrabble Dictionary earlier this year (#standards).

Setting Up Rich Pins - WordPress & Blogger

This has been a hot topic in my inbox as of late - rich pins! So today I'm sharing how to set them up for both WordPress and Blogger [Blogspot] so you can get that rich pin awesomeness flowing for your blog - but!

Zemanta, my blog’s new best friend « The Urban Link

If you have ever searched for related article links or pictures for your blog post, you know how time consuming it can get.  Searching the web for keywords and tags that can help your post become e...

How To Schedule Your Post In Blogger? To Publish Automatically

Blogger is likely the most used blogging platform, this is the reason why it has handsome features. But most of the users are unvaried from lot of it's features. And scheduling a post is another feature which seems to be pretty much hidden from all of the blogger users.

15 Copy Editing Tips That Can Transform Your Content into Persuasive and Shareable Works of Art

What's special about the compelling content you retweet, Like, bookmark, and email to your friends? Those articles serve the audience, not the content creator. Creative work that instantly captivates and holds an audience's attention influences their lives. Transcribing the thoughts in your head won't always serve a purpose.

21 Quick Actions You Can Do Today to Set Your Blog Up for Massive Success

You can read all the blogging advice in the world, but none of it matters unless you take action. To set your blog up to be a massive success, you have to ruthlessly focus your efforts on things that work, and stop spending precious time on things that don't.

25 Smart Ways to Promote Your Latest Blog Post

Writing your latest blog post and hitting publish is just the beginning when it comes to growing your subscription base. If you truly want to gain the attention of your target audience (and Google), then you will need to spend time promoting your content in multiple locations.

Adjusting Bounce Rate in Google & Universal Analytics

Here is what you will learn through this article: Adjusting bounce rate in Google Analytics. Adjusting bounce rate in Universal Analytics. To learn about adjusting bounce rate in Google and Universal Analytics via Google Tag Manager, check out this post: Adjusting Bounce Rate via Google Tag Manager If majority of people come and leave your website without completing the actions/goals you desire then you can't have a good conversion rate.

10 tips to speed up your WordPress blog

Do you know that you have between three and five seconds to impress the visitors of your blog? If they do not find what they need within that short amount of time, they will leave -- and never come back. Good user experience does not stop at quality design and content.

Better Blogging Tips for Successful SEO

Social media is now the leading form of advertising available, and by far probably the least expensive if done correctly. Many companies now turn to Bloggers to help utilize their advertising dollars to the best advantage for them, especially small companies looking to make an impact in the online world.

Free Online Idea Management and Collaboration Service |

Wridea is a web service first to avoid ideas being forgotten, then to organize and improve those ideas by giving you the opportunity to share your ideas with friends and necessary tools to improve your ideas by yourself and individually.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Flawless On-Page SEO [Free Template]

On-page SEO refers to the process of optimizing specific sections of your site content to make it more clear for users and search engines. The goal is to have any given page of your site -- from top to bottom -- be aligned with a certain topic.

17 Top Blogging Tools That You Ignore At Your Peril - Jeffbullas's Blog

Admit it, you've cursed the blogging game in the past. That's understandable. Because with all the myriad of tasks involved, it does take a toll on you. For each post that you'll ever write, you come up with some research and ensure it's worth your while; then you compose your thoughts and finally write that 1,000+ words article.